Only a handful of people could debate Don Lemon and make him look like the objective voice of reason. Washington Post tech reporter Taylor Lorenz is one of them. Friday, Lorenz appeared on the "Don Lemon Show" to discuss the ongoing anti-Israel protests across U.S. college campuses. Lemon asked Lorenz how so-called marginalized groups could fight for what's happening in Gaza while understanding they wouldn't have "any freedom" in Gaza. She responded by falsely equating how marginalized groups are treated in Gaza to red states in the U.S. "They don't have any freedoms in Texas and Florida, [either]" said Lorenz. "Taylor, I'm a member of the LGBTQ community, if I go to Texas they're not going to throw me off a roof," Lemon, a gay man, interjected. After watching the video, we decided to defer to the caption below. We recognized that we could not print a headline that more succinctly described the exchange between Lemon and Lorenz. Lorenz's argument – that red states are as evil as oppressive governments overseas – reminds us of the segment last year in which ESPN analyst J.A. Adande defended the genocide of Muslim Uyghurs in the Xinjiang region of China. Adande claimed that genocide is no worse than how conservative governments in the United States treat voters of color, like requiring all voters to provide proof of identification. Find us a group less impressive and more Marxian than the corporate press. We dare you. Regarding Marxian concepts, Lorenz appears to fully subscribe to the theory that we shall see the world as a split between the oppressed and their oppressors. And thus, the Palestinians are not at fault for their troubles. The Jews are. Below, political scientist Wilfred Reilly described the illusion for which elitists like Lorenz have fallen, as it pertains to the conflict in Gaza: "The place is literally run by criminals: The elected, and rather popular, governing party is the terrorist group Hamas. What could the cause of such structural failures be? "One obvious default is the idea that the blame belongs to oppression. The government of Israel, in the Palestinian case, must surely be blocking humanitarian assistance and business development to Gaza and other Palestinian regions, and preventing the construction of infrastructure there." Taylor Lorenz -- like the antisemitic college students at Colombia University – sees the "Free Palestine" movement like they do Black Lives Matter, as our column explained. She's a useful idiot. As a rule, a person gets dumber when listening to Taylor Lorenz babble. She makes Don Lemon sound smart.