Tampon Tim Walz, Who Believes Men Should Pummel Women Between The Hashes, Sends Disgusting Social Media Post

Tim Walz, who puts tampons in boys' bathrooms across his state and still cannot define a woman – and by ‘cant,’ I mean ‘won’t' – pressed send on a humdinger of a tweet Saturday morning. 

For those who don't know, today is International Women's Day. Big day in this country. We here at OutKick love our women. They're the bedrock of this country. Without them, we're useless. The male species would cease to exist. 

But that's just us. Well, scratch that – that's most sane Americans in this country. Unless you're an insufferable, virtue-signaling Democrat. 

They hate women. They like to act like they're all for women's rights, but they're not. They won't say men don't belong in women's sports. They literally lost the election because of that very gaslighting. 

The leader of the nasty brigade is Tampon Tim Walz, whose state is currently refusing to comply with Donald Trump's executive order keeping men out of women's sports. 

That, of course, didn't stop Tim from firing off this virtue-signaling post earlier today:

This is why the Dems lost

On International Women’s Day we honor the past, present, and future contributions of women who make our state stronger.

Oh, do you, Tim? Do you?

Good God, these people are so full of crap. It's nauseating. Nobody believes this nonsense anymore. It's all so fake, yet they keep doing it. 

The Democrats, led by Tim Walz, chose last year to die on the transgender hill. They chose the wrong side of an 80-20 issue, and it cost them the White House. Yet, here's Tim Walz, four months later, showing exactly what his dumb party showed us earlier this week: they haven't learned a thing. Not a single thing. 

Remember Trump's address to congress this week, when the Dems chose not to stand as Trump was touting his order to keep men out of women's sports? They all just sat there with their stupid signs, dressed in PINK. 


They don't see how dumb they look, sound, or act. It's amazing. I've said it before, and I'll say it again here: I don't see how Republicans lose another election. I just don't see it. 

The American people are done with this crap. They made that apparent last fall, and Trump's current approval rating shows they're sticking with it. 

Piss off, Tim. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.