Spirit Airline Worker Has Unhinged Meltdown On Passengers

The Walmart of the Skies is at it again. 

All I can think about when yet another Spirit Airlines meltdown video crosses my desk is that the management team must enjoy the hell out of these scenes they've created via $9 tickets to fly on a cardboard seat across the United States (typically to Florida where most of these crazies vacation). 

Have you ever seen Truman Show starring Jim Carrey? 

One of these days, we'll get a Spirit Airlines version of the Truman Show where management is watching through VR goggles as all hell breaks loose while $18 an hour workers are left to manage the madness, the fights, the chaos. 

Let's go to the latest meltdown at the Hollywood Burbank Airport in California where a gate agent had heard enough when people started flipping out over a flight that had been delayed for eight hours. 

"Please, be quiet so I can think of what’s going on. I don’t even know what aircraft’s here because everybody’s screaming numbers," an agent yells. 

That is when Spirit's top Karen jumps into the fray and goes on an unhinged rant. 

"Can I have everybody’s attention right now!?" the furious gate agent says over an intercom. "Do you all wanna get on this flight or not?"

"Yes, we do, girl!" a woman yells from the crowd.

"All right! So, everyone’s gonna shut up, and we’re gonna say this once, and we’re only gonna say it again because we’re frustrated as hell."

The video was posted on TikTok, it went viral, now it's making the rounds on websites. Inside Edition contacted Spirit's PR team for a comment. One was given. It was the typical this isn't how we handle ourselves nonsense while announcing the gate agents have been suspended. 

As one TikTok observer correctly noted, "Spirit reminds me of those Kmart parking lot carnivals. Fully equipped with sketchy rides, and jacked up carnies."

So true. 

I've said it for the last few years: The economy needs to go back to the point where people don't have the money to fly on budget airlines. I need the credit card crisis to get its ass in gear. 

MAKE (CHEAP) FLYING GREAT AGAIN by bankrupting these crazy bastards to the point where sanity is restored to budget airlines. I remember flying AirTran back in the early 2000s and it was sorta budget oriented without the fentanyl addicts who just got their bodies right in a Rodeway Inn. 

This country MUST get its ass in gear and it starts by cleaning up the Walmarts of the Skies. 

Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.