Someone Left A Live Alligator In A Hotel Room, And, No, It Wasn't In Florida

I don't know about you, but before I checkout of a hotel, I practically tear the entire room apart.

I'm not talking about launching TVs out the window like I'm Keith Richards, I just mean I look everywhere to make sure that I'm not leaving behind a rogue earbud, sock, or charging cable hiding somewhere in the room.

This is why I can't for the life of me figure out how someone could forget a live alligator in a hotel room, but it happened.

And I know this has "Florida" written all over it, but it took place about a thousand some-odd miles north in America's favorite state shaped like a mitten, Michigan.

According to 9 And 10 News, on Friday, the Cheboygan Police Department got a call I guarantee not a single officer ever thought they'd get, and that was that there was a live gator found in a motel room in Pine Rivers, which is in the northwestern part of the state's lower peninsula.

The animal was found in a room by housekeeping (who better have been tipped well after this) and an investigation revealed that the gator was named Wally and belonged to someone who had stayed in the room and was in town to do an exotic animal presentation for elementary school kids.

The owner returned to Cheboygan and picked up Wally, but what bothers me is they still don't know how Wally managed to escape and stay behind in that motel room.

Now, I don't own an alligator, but if I did, I would always have one eye on it. The last thing I'd want is my alligator to get loose and in a position to bite someone's calf or worse, bite me.

I mean, I live in Florida and anytime there's a gator in my midst, I don't take my attention away from it. Even if it's in the middle of a pond, and I'm on dry land eating a sandwich, the large reptile with hacksaws in its mouth deserves my attention.

Hopefully this is a good lesson learned for the owner of this gator (who I suspect has thinning gray hair pulled back in a pony tail… just a hunch).

Hopefully, Wally stayed out of the minibar too. That can get very expensive.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.