Sofia Vergara Gives Her Tops All They Can Handle, Hooters Catherine Serves Drinks & Trump Celebrations Hit MLB

Last second call to the bullpen

Joe's on the road for a couple of days this week and his plans to work on location hit a bit of a snag.  So I received a last second call to the bullpen on Sunday evening.

As a result, I'll be filling in this morning while he gets everything situated.  Assuming all is resolved at some point today, Joe should be back tomorrow.

As far as today is concerned, I'm up early, I'm caffeinated, and I'm ready to roll.  I'll take all the recognition of my heroics in my inbox

Biden dropped out of the Presidential race

Now let's turn our attention to a much less likable Joe.  A Joe who will not be back, at least not in 2025 if not sooner.

Joe Biden or someone with access to his account announced yesterday that he has "decided not to accept the nomination" for a shot at four more years of Weekend at Bernie's.

Why is that you ask?

Well, he's not fit to run for reelection.  But don't worry, he's fit enough to focus all his energy on his "duties as President" for the next six months.

Biden's social media post making his announcement was all that was shared.  He didn't deliver any kind of statement or hold up a newspaper or anything.

So, AI President Biden decided to share a statement on his behalf about dropping out of the Presidential race.

Naturally, some in his party responded to the news - the real news, not the AI Biden news - by getting in front of a camera and crying on TV.

I'm told these are not AI generated, but actual responses to Biden dropping out of the race.

Incredible.  What a bizarre few weeks.

First, Biden's handlers let him do a debate past his bedtime, then Trump gets shot at a rally, then Biden - in between being fed bites of pudding - drops out of the Presidential race a month before the Democratic National Convention.  On National Ice Cream Day of all days.

Do you still believe we're not in a simulation right now?

A dine and dasher forgot her purse

If you're going to dine and dash, don't leave anything of yours behind.  A woman in Panama City Beach, Florida learned this lesson the hard way earlier this month.

After allegedly leaving a Longhorn Steakhouse location without paying her bill, she realized that she had forgotten her purse.  So she thought that she would just walk back into the restaurant and retrieve it.

The forgotten purse and the dining and dashing are two different things after all.  They're completely unrelated and all she would have to do is ask for her purse back.

The manager of the steakhouse had a different approach to the situation.  The woman and a male companion left without paying and weren't simply getting the purse back.

This didn't sit well with the dine and dasher, and she decided to make a scene.  That was her purse, bill paid or not, she was entitled to have it returned to her.

Thankfully, someone in a party of 14 decided to pull out their phone, capture the tense standoff, and toss it up on TikTok.  Props to the hostess who completely ignored the situation and attempted to seat the large group anyway.

Sea lions harassing people at a San Diego beach

It's safe to assume these sea lions are tired of these people.

That's it for the start of the work week.  I'll be back on my regular Sunday Screencaps duty this weekend, unless I receive another last minute call to the bullpen.

See everyone then.  In the meantime, send me your meat

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.