Social Media Is Aghast At NSFW Hurricane Graphic That Has Sexual Tensions Raised In Florida

Somehow, there's another hurricane possibly hitting my great, big, beautiful, free, Law & Order state of Florida next week. 

It's not fair. It really isn't. I've lived here my whole life. Everyone knows Hurricane season ends after Halloween. It doesn't technically, but it does. 

We don't have Thanksgiving storms down here. When November hits, the season is over. Those are the rules we've lived by for quite some time now. 

But, thanks to CLIMATE CHANGE (Al tried to warn us!), we may get pummeled by some chick named Sara next week. Don't know for sure, but the early forecasts are in, and they are troubling. 

Not only because they show the entire state in the cone, but because one major outlet – AccuWeather – has the entire state covered in what can only be described as a penis. 

Oh, is that too far for you? Too much? Too graphic? Well then, please, tell me how in the hell would YOU describe THIS:

AccuWeather nailed it

Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Nellie! What a graphic! What a storm. And hey! It leans HARD to the right, just like our great state. Perfect. 

Look, there's no easy way around this for AccuWeather. Someone made a penis graphic by accident, it may or may not have Peyronie's disease, and now they're getting mocked up and down the internet. Happens to all of us. 

They're just gonna have to wear this one and move on. Can't run from it. Can't hide from it. Might as well lean into it and take it so we can all just move on. 

And it's not like it's the Weather Channel or some serious organization like that. It's AccuWeather. Nobody takes AccuWeather seriously. They're the step-child of the meteorology game. This is PERFECT for them. 

So what? You have a giant penis hitting the state of Florida next week? Nothing we haven't all seen before down here. Trust me. We call that Tuesday. 

Now, let's check in on the reaction from America:

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.