Smokin' Charley Hull Turns 29 In An Ice Tub, Food Network's Giada Gets Dirty & ESPN's Woke Moment Of Silence!

They did it again. Dummies. While the wokes were all focused on Pete Hegseth accidentally killing Jackie Robinson 53 years after his actual death, us sane Americans squeaked through another week, and to another Friday. 

And now, we get two straight days of March Madness as a reward.  I can't believe Rosie O'Donnell fled for Ireland when we have it this good over here! Oh well. Her loss. Ireland's loss. Our gain!

Welcome to a Friday Nightcaps – the one where we hit the gym with Smokin' Hot Charley Hull and go from there. Happy Birthday, Charley!

What else? I've got the best of the rest from a loaded week of #content, Sydney Sweeney in ultra high-def, Food Network's Giada stops by, a troubling ESPN-NFL merger in the works, and Kay Adams is on such a heater right now I don't know that I can take much more. 

My God. She HAS to be toying with us at this point, right? What a pistol. 

OK, grab you a Guinness to celebrate nutjob Rosie O'Donnell's 63rd birthday over in Ireland, and settle in for a penultimate-Friday-in-March 'Cap!

Rosie's Choice

I know I usually reward a Friday class with some smut right off the bat, but today, you get Rosie O'Donnell instead. 

You are welcome! Don't say I never did anything for you. 

Anyway, here's wacky Rosie O'Donnell giving a State of the Union from Ireland after fleeing the US of A earlier this month because of big, bad Donald Trump:

Trump has signed roughly a billion executive orders since retaking the White House. He's lowered the price of eggs. Closed the border. Shuttered the Dept. of Education. 

But forcing Rosie O'Donnell out of the US of A is – by far – his greatest achievement. Give him the Nobel Peace Prize TODAY. 

Let's get to some of the hits from this 10-minute goldmine:

"I feel healthier, I’m sleeping better without the stress and anxiety over what was happening politically in the country."

"We felt, as a family, this was the safest and best thing for us to do. Sadly, it looks like we were correct."

"What's happening in the United States is overwhelmingly depressing, unconstitutional, illegal, criminal, and I'm so, so very sad."

"Let's hope the world and the nation rally against the current administration for their horrific ideas for what will make America great again. And it's not racism! And it's not homophobia. It's equality for all!"

What a week of #content!

Just a home run here from Rosie, who spends the rest of her time talking about how much less fat she is. If that interests you, by all means, continue watching. I couldn't take it anymore. 

Good stuff all around. Sounds like Rosie is enjoying Ireland!

OK. Back to the states we go for the best #content from a week chalk-full of it. Let's start in a place Rosie would love – Manhattan! 

ESPN is out to ruin the NFL, Charley Hull & a sad death to report

See? Told you! A loaded week, and we haven't even identified a hot chick at March Madness yet. Trust me, it's coming. Take it to the bank. Someone will go viral this weekend for looking sad, but hot, and it'll drive the site for a week. 

Anyway, a couple thoughts …

1. That last one? Insane. Dummy Joy Reid thinks we'd lose to Canada in a war, citing a war from 200 years ago as the basis. We'd have a hypothetical Canadian war wrapped up before I take my first morning shit of the day. 

2. Giada? Giada. Giada!

3. Kay? KAY. KAY!!!!! Insane run right now. God, she's the best. I think we're in for a wild summer of #content. I'm predicting it now. 

4. That first video of the deranged chick in the subway? Remember, the left is the party of love and inclusivity. Can't you tell?! What a WEEK for that side. 

5. Welcome to class, Desi! Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme, get on up, it's bobsled time! 

If you know, you know. 

OK, rapid-fire time on the way out. First up? While we're talking about 90s bangers, let's pour one out for one of the most underrated Nickelodeon stars of all time – Jan Schwieterman. 

Goodness gracious. Didn't expect it. Didn't see it coming. Sad. I maintain that Good Burger is one of the greats. Today's kids will never know how good we had it back in the late-90s. 

Kenan & Kel. All That. The Amanda Show. Cousin Skeeter. Good Burger. The Saturday night SNICK lineup was undefeated. What a moment in history. I'd give anything to go back. 

Next? From sad TV news to … potentially sadder TV news:

Nope. Don't like that, AT ALL. God, ESPN is the worst. Just the worst. 

Did you see how insufferable Jeff Passan treated the Jackie Robinson DoD news this week? It was his 9/11. I've never seen such fake outrage in my life. 

Now, imagine that entire network taking over the NFL. Gross. NFL Network, for the most part, is pretty pure. It's obviously gone downhill since Kay left, but still, it's decent. 

But if you're going to shove Stephen A. and Shannon Sharpe and Mina Kimes down our throats on TWO networks this fall? I don't think so. I can't take it. Please don't do this, Roger. I'm begging you. 

Does, however, give me a chance to wish the wokes at ESPN a very happy third anniversary of this all-time gaslighting moment:

What a moment! As funny as the actual moment of silence is, the absolute kicker here is the score that shows up at the end. 

44-4! What a twist! God, I love women's college basketball. 

Finally, let's all wish Smokin' Hot Charley Hull a very happy 29th birthday!

Take us home, Sid the Kid!

First Rosie, now Charley! March 21st is a big day for birthdays, both in this country – and Ireland!

OK, that's it for today. Good class. Good week. Better weekend ahead. 

Take us into it, Sydney Sweeney!

See you Monday. 

OutKick Nightcaps is a daily column set to run Monday through Friday at 4 p.m. (roughly, we’re not robots).

You miss Rosie yet? Email me at

Written by
Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.