Slap Fighter's Face Looks Like A Goonies Sloth After A Clean Right Lands Flush
With Dana White's slap-fighting league debuting Wednesday night, this is a great time to take a look at what viewers will see on TBS when the action starts. If Dana's action is anything like what was seen out of the RXF Slap Fighting Championships in Romania, viewers are in for some wild content when they sit down at 8 p.m.
Let's go to the RXF event to get a good look at heavyweight competitor Sorin Comsa's face as it takes some serious punishment. Now, before you think this guy died and we're being all insensitive, keep in mind Sorin Comșa won his match and took home the slap fighting championship belt.
According to RXF MMA, Comsa took home the belt and 5,000 Euros for his effort. That translates to $5398.20.
Was it worth it?
Comsa has spent the past 13 hours celebrating his victory on Instagram Story by reposting images of himself and his new belt while the left side of his face is beaten to a pulp. Look, it's his face that looks Goonies-sloth-like. The guy isn't being held hostage here.

Slap fighter Sorin Comsa's face after the dust settled from his battles in Romania. Instagram Story
As for Dana White's slap league, it will feature eight one-hour episodes with two fighters getting 30-second slap shot clocks to strike their opponents. If you're knocked down, you'll get a 10-count from the referee. If you can't get up, you're done just like boxing. If the fight goes the distance -- there are three-round and five-round matches depending on the specific fight just like in the UFC -- it'll be decided by the judges who'll use a 10-point judging system.
RXF MMA says on Instagram that Sorin Comsa survived a 10-round battle. That might be why his face looks extra caved in.
Dana White says his fight league will meet all the rules and regulations as set forth by the Nevada Athletic Commission.
“The bottom line is, in a boxing match, guys get hit with 300-400 punches in a f—g fight. These guys are going to get hit with three slaps,” White told reporters in October. “For these morons to be talking all the s—t that they are about the athletic commission, the athletic commission did the right thing. So did we.
“We run right toward regulation, regulate the sport to make sure it’s safe for everybody — because a lot of people are going to get involved in this just like they did MMA,” White added.
“What you want is you want to make sure there’s clear cut set rules, people have to take the proper medicals before, during, and after the fight to keep the thing safe. It should be regulated and Nevada did the right thing. I applaud them and that’s why they’re the most respected athletic commission in the world.”
That same month as White was promoting his league, neurologist Dr. Nitin Sethi, the chief medical officer for the New York State Athletic Commission shared his concerns with boxing writer Thomas Hauser.
“Open-handed slaps delivered with such force to the opponents face frequently cause the person’s legs to buckle, at times suffer momentary – sometimes longer – loss of consciousness, and collapse to the floor," Sethi explains. "These are all concussive injuries of varying duration. The ‘athlete’ who is on the receiving end of the slap has no option available to him to defend himself. These ‘slaps’ will add up. In my professional opinion, those who partake in this ‘sport’ will also suffer the stigmata of chronic neurological injuries.”
It doesn't sound like White will get licensed in New York as long as Sethi is advising the New York athletic commission there.
“I disagree with the argument that better medical supervision of this ‘sport’ shall make it safer. I am not sure what a physician is meant to supervise here other than being the overseer of concussive injuries occurring under his or her watch,” Sethi added.
Wednesday night, the United States viewing audience gets to decide if it's in on slap fighting or if this is too barbaric for their tastes.
8 p.m. ET. TBS.
You decide.