Influencer Responds To Backlash Over Her Bikini-Clad Hurricane Helene Mock Weather Report

Instagram model Skyler Simpson, who like most influencers these days, has branched out to other platforms, including OnlyFans, is receiving backlash over a recent video she posted on social media.

The 25-year-old calls Florida home and decided to head out to the ocean in Tampa Bay for a bikini-clad Hurricane Helene mock weather report. She's holding an umbrella while having ice cubes thrown at her.

"Live, reporting from Tampa Bay, on Bayshore Boulevard, I think everybody’s been a little…," Simpson says as someone off camera tosses several ice cubes at her.

"I like to go for a… walk with my family," she continued as she was hit with another ice cube.

The wind is still blowing in the video, but for the most part the storm passed through the area. Simpson points that out before being splashed in the face with water.

"As you can see, I think people got a little dramatic with how the weather was gonna be here, the storm obviously passed and went up to Tallahassee," she continued. "I think it’s a beautiful night out here on Bayshore. Perfect for strolling with your family, and having a nice nighttime walk."

She then adds, "I feel great, Tampa Bay feels great."

Skyler Simpson says she was poking fun at the news reporters, not the people affected by Hurricane Helene

The video racked up millions of views across the multiple social media platforms that Simpson posted it on. It also received some backlash from those who thought she was making light of those affected by the hurricane.

This despite a caption on the video that reads, "Jokes aside hope everyone is okay and my heart goes out to all affected by the storm."

According to the NY Post, one upset commenter wrote, "Hope a portion of the benefits you got through the likes on this reel you sent some help to the families in need."

"All for the clout… Good for you – bet dad is proud," another added.

A third weighed in with, "Hilarious. People died so let’s make jokes."

"Disgusting," another said. "Selling content while others are suffering. Karma will get you."

Simpson did respond to a few of the critics in her comment section. She said that she personally had family affected by the storm while claiming that "plenty of people actually affected by this have commented and laughed."

Simpson also pointed out, in response to the backlash, "This is satire of news reporters. If you don’t get it feel free to unfollow."

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.