A nun got so fed up with a climate change protester that she tackled him. The action was showcased in a video that will make you say "Jeeeeesus!" The unnamed French nun was part of a group of religious sisters from the Missionary Family of Notre-Dame in Saint-Pierre-de-Colombier that formed a human chain around a plot of land that was being built for a religious center as they tried to protect it from angry environmental activists. A 'HOL-EY' TOSS Newly released video shows the protesters damaging and destroying various building materials for the religious center before one of the nuns breaks from the human chain and straight up tackles one of the activists. I mean, she didn't just try to grab the materials back, she straight up used all of the force from the Holy Spirit and tossed this guy straight into a mud hole! No mercy shown here, fella! The best part is that the guy gets up and is just straight up shocked about what just happened. Yeah, that's right buddy you should be embarrassed. You just got straight up OWNED by a nun. You have to now walk home. There's no room left in the electric vehicle for you. A nun tackles a climate change activist. (ferro_nicolas / X) PROTESTERS WERE TARGETING A BASILICA In an almost laughable moment, one of the co-founders of the Les Amis de la Bourges environmental group told reporters he was appalled that the nun would resort to such tactics. “I didn’t expect that,” Sylvain Hérenguel told France 3. “I expected the nuns to be a little reasonable for the public order. The problem is that the religious people decided to resort to violence. I was attacked three times by five people, who snatched me, who wanted to throw me out there. They decided to protect the site with their actions and their bodies." Apparently, Herenguel was shocked that when you start destroying people's properties they may defend themselves - even if they're nuns. It's the latest example of people fighting back against the ridiculousness of the activists. Sure, we all want the Earth to be a better and safer place - we want our great grandchildren living their best lives, but when you combine that with those that are blocking roads, destroying ancient artifacts or gluing themselves during sporting events. You want a quick way to turn people off of your noble cause? Just screw up their commute after a long day at work when all they want to do is get out of work clothes and open a beer. The environmentalists were protesting the basilica being built around protected species. Construction had originally been paused in 2020 but was resumed in 2022 after environmental studies were released saying that adequate measures had been taken. Rumor has it the nuns are planning to show up with football pads for the next scheduled protest.