Single Paige Spiranac Cranks Up Golf Season Content, Nasty Daytona Motorcycle Crash & Laying Down Carpet Stripes
It's Friday and that means it's time to unload things floating around in my brain
Have a great weekend. I'm going to let the readers take it from here.
On our sons celebrating victories in their own careers
I want to start with this email from Eddie from Acworth because I'm sure it will remind many of us about those first professional jobs that might not have been the flashiest of jobs, but they turn into moments we reflect on later in life and realize those were the jobs that set us up for decades to come.
• Eddie from Acworth writes:
My college-aged son landed a job with the Braves last year and as a lifelong Braves fan, he was thrilled. His job consisted of standing in front of the suites and telling people where the bathrooms/bars were all while being able to watch every single home game from the best view in the park.
Oh, and he got paid to do it. He saw every game in person leading up to and thru the World Series. I got to experience some of these games with him and was of course with him at our home when we won it all in Houston. Quite an experience to share with your son.
The best part of all this is what he received yesterday from his boss-picture attached. He gets a ring as an employee. How cool is that? Now baseball needs to get their act together so we can watch our World Champs defend their title!

Talk about a life-changing email. Are you kidding me? A World Series ring? Theeee World Series ring? From the sound of things, Eddie's son understands the magnitude of what this means to the rest of his life. Even if he flames out of the baseball/sports career, he can bust out that ring in garage beer situations.
Eddie's son has a social life resume headliner for the rest of his life and he should have zero shame using it to his advantage. You earned that ring.
And now Eddie's son has that deep connection with a franchise that's going to lead to bigger things than telling people where to find a bar. What an early career job in professional sports.
On March Madness
• T Augs writes:
It's too bad that the First Four pits the #16s against each other and the last four in against each other because the dream match up that the NCAA likes to facilitate when they can would be a First Four game between Wright State and UD...Now, that would be must-see viewing here in SW OH.
Actually, if they have Wright State play one night and UD the next, should be a great atmosphere both nights... I think UD has to get to the A-10 Finals at least to have a chance to dance since as of now all of "the experts" still have UD behind X who has lost like 22 of their last 25 (insert eye roll).
On living the New Balance lifestyle
• Mark W. writes:
The New Balance line up- from formal meeting to mowing.

On spring fever
• Jim M. in West Lafayette, IN writes
Once again your morning screencaps saves the day.
I loved the email from Guy G. from western NY. With all the Russia-Ukrainian bad news, to gas going over $4 a gallon (probably on its way to $5), to the Biden administration trying to knife a NATO ally (Poland) in the back; I needed to see his letter.
Spring is coming. And while I don't have the land Guy does, I too am looking towards spring. Buying seeds and starting them for the garden, getting the flower beds ready for re-mulching, repair some raised beds, moving gardens around and having to build new fences to stop the rabbits and other burrowing animals, not to mention rotating "crops" to avoid a nasty tomato blight from last year.
I've already pruned fruit trees, and am getting ready to spray the apples. And scheduling my traveling garden equipment guy to come in to do annual maintenance on tillers, mowers and pressure washers - because if I tried to do those Hard Things beyond changing the oil, none of the equipment would be operable.
Love what you do. And today you helped remind me what I like to do when work and other obligations give me time. It's a lot better than all the garbage going on in the world, foisted on us by leadership that doesn't lead and is borderline incompetent. Thanks.
• Indy Daryl writes:
To paraphrase one of my favorite shows: full grill, full glass, full family, can’t lose!
Other thoughts:
Bill L is definitely who I would want to hang out with after a grueling TNML day. Would make those insanely hot august mowing sessions even more worth it, knowing that I was gonna share one of his homebrews with him at the end of it.
Is Jeremy M a prophet? I couldn’t agree more that we love our lawns because it is a place we get to control. I may be newer on the love of lawn train, but his word hit a chord with me. The world truly is filled with beauty!
Do I give a rip about college basketball? Not at all. Do I love watching March Madness? You bet your freaking ass I do!! Would absolutely love to participate, however poorly, in a bracket challenge.
Are you gonna do a TNML kick-off event? I am sure there are some in the “region” that would make a trip to kick off the season!
And finally, as a lifelong Broncos fan, I am absolutely thrilled to have Russel Wilson on my team!! I am sure it will be rough at times, but at least we have a QB who isn’t Osweiler, or Lynch, or Siemian, or Bridgewater, or Lock, or any other random 6’4” dude who can throw a football somewhat hard.