American City Named The Shark Attack Capital of the World
Memorial Day has officially passed, which means it's time to gear up for summertime.
And with that comes everyone's favorite, beach-friendly topic to talk about: Sharks!
Fortunately for the shark-enthusiasts out there, this United States city has been named the "shark attack capital of the world," and that's not good news for Daytona racing fans!
Florida's Volusia County was recently given the shark attack honor by the International Shark Attack File. According to the Museum of Natural History and Florida University, the county that enlists Daytona Beach and Deltona has had the most unprovoked shark attacks since record keeping began back in 1837.

Florida has the most shark attacks of any U.S. state. (Photo by Alexis Rosenfeld/Getty Images)
Looking at all the available data, the Intl. Shark Attack File found that the United States currently leads all countries in the world in shark attacks with 1,640 followed by Australia with 706 and South Africa's 262 attacks. Florida has the most out of any U.S. state with 928. Hawaii's 195 and California's 138 wrap up the top 3.
The advent of social media and citizen reporting as well as horrible attack videos being able to go viral within minutes of being uploaded, have brought sharks to the forefront once again, but scientists maintain that the odds of being attacked by a shark are still extremely rare, with only 69 documented unprovoked shark attacks last year worldwide, 52% of those that occurred at America's beaches. Though they do caution that shark attacks are on the rise, and attribute some of the causes to global warming forcing sharks into new human-packed waters.
They urge everyone to take precautions when heading into the shark's oceanic home - don't swim near seals or injured marine life and to stay away from the water when it's super early or nighttime (Breakfast and dinner time for the sharks!)
As I always say, there's no negotiating with a shark!