Shania Twain Embarrasses Herself With Awful New Song: LISTEN
Shania Twain is featured on a new song that might make your ears bleed.
Now, I want to be crystal clear that I'm a huge fan of Shania Twain, and probably always will be just for pure nostalgic reasons.
I'm pretty sure the Canadian-born country superstar is the first ever crush I remember having as a little kid. For our younger OutKick readers, the "Man! I Feel Like A Woman!" singer was the most iconic woman in music back in the 1990s and continued to dominate through the 2000s.
She was Taylor Swift long before Taylor Swift was a thing. Unfortunately, I'm sad to report that she's gotten a bit loose with her song choices.

Shania Twain featured on Yung Gravy's new song. (Photo by Ron Davis/Getty Images)
Shania Twain featured on Yung Gravy's new song "White Claw."
Yung Gravy, who is best described as a meme rapper, released a song Friday titled "White Claw" featuring the Canadian music legend.
Now, I'm sure many of you are probably thinking right now that there's no way in hell the song is actually about White Claw seltzers.
Well, take a seat because that's exactly what the song is about. Yes, Shania Twain is on a song about White Claws. I wish I was making this up, but I'm not. Not only is the song about the most basic drink on the planet for sorority girls, but it's downright brutally bad.
Take a listen for yourself below, and then hit me with your thoughts at
Why, Shania? Why was this necessary? I'm not a hater of Yung Gravy. He's a fellow Wisconsin man, and a lot of young people enjoy his music. This song is absolutely atrocious, but I understand the broader appeal for people who like his joking style of music.
However, this is Shania Twain we're talking about. This is a woman who was one of the original female superstars in music. This is a woman with several number one hits and five albums that went platinum - several many times over.
Why did she reduce herself to singing about White Claw? It's not even a good drink. They taste horrible. If you're going to sing about alcohol, at least pick a good one like Coors Banquet.
I'll still always be a fan of Shania Twain. A true icon and GOAT in the music industry, but this was a misfire of epic proportion. Let the meme rappers stick to what they do, and let Twain remain at her incredible level of success.