Shania Twain Rattles America With New Look, Josie Canseco Strips Down With Johnny Manziel & Homer To The Face

Well, I'm back. Here I am. In the damn flesh. 

You know, people always talk about how we're supposed to be "recharged" after vacation. Like we're expected to hop back in the saddle after nine days away (unless you have a weekly NASCAR column on Mondays and a Nightcaps class on Wednesday) and just be happy as a lark. Ready to attack the day, and the week, with a renewed sense of purpose and optimism. 

Welcome back, Zach! You look refreshed. 

Hey, guess what? I am not refreshed. The first day back from vacation blows. It's the worst. I just spent a week drinking from sun-up to sundown, in a house with five kids, and I woke up with a predictable sore throat on Day 3. 

I couldn't be less refreshed if I tried. Don't think it's possible. I've been congested since Thursday. Head in a fog since Friday. My two-year-old fell off a barstool at dinner last night, broke a plate on the way down, and I'm still finding cuts and scrapes on her today – nearly 24 hours later. What a scene. 

But, we start the turnaround … NOW! This is where we separate the men from the boys. The contenders from the pretenders. The award-winning bloggers from the posers, wannabees, and try-hards. Let's get it. 

On that uplifting note, welcome to a Monday Nightcaps – where we check in with Shania Twain, or, at least, someone claiming to be Shania Twain. You'll see. 

What else? I've got the internet reacting to Amanda Balionis interviewing Rory McIlory yesterday, NFL WAG Gia Duddy pounding some cake from her sheets, and a whole bunch of bookmarked content from over the weekend that I need to share. 

So share, I shall!

Dip into your 401K and grab an egg for National Egg Day (thanks, Joe!) and settle in for a First-Monday-Of-June 'Cap!

What a weekend of content 

Speaking of those 401ks … whoaaaaaaa nellie! What a day on Wall Street! Is Warren Buffett now broke? I have no idea, but what a wild little ride we had. Buy the dip!

I have a feeling it's just a precursor of what's to come in the second half of this season. 

Side note: how about 2024 being half-over? June is the dividing line, right? It's like the All-Star break for baseball. We're halfway to 162, and anything can happen. 

We've got Trump maybe going to jail, a potential race riot on the horizon if Caitlin Clark takes one more elbow to the ribs and the looming threat of WWIII. 

And they say shows get stale after the third or fourth seasons. Hogwash! America never runs out of storylines. Stay tuned! 

Speaking of never-ending #content, I spent most of my trip home Saturday bookmarking the hell out of funny stuff from the sports-world and then had to sit on it all weekend. No more. 

Roll tape!

Solid weekend for automobile racing, too

I mean, those last two are just insane. I didn't think anyone on this planet could match A's announcer Jenny Cavnar, but I'll be damned if we didn't find her. 

His favorite color is green trees, hits it out of the ballpark!

What?! I don't get it! What are we doing here? I really do hate to make Jenny a full-time student around here, but she's leaving me no choice. What is this, three weeks in a row now? Maybe a month? What a run. 

And by the way, I am ALL FOR the rumored Rory-Amanda relationship. We haven't touched on it much around here because it seems a little below the belt without at least a little evidence or something from one of the parties, but when they popped up on our TV screens yesterday, it was mayhem. 

I simply couldn't ignore it after that. 

I LOVE a good sideline reporter/athlete power couple. I grew up a Red Sox fan watching NESN. Do you know the rumors that came out of the clubhouse involving Heidi Watney and Jason Varitek back in the day? Or Will Middlebrooks and now-wife Jenny Dell?


Speaking of potentially combustible situations …

Shania Twain, Zach Bryan, Josie Canseco & Johnny Manziel

From BAM Racing:

After a physical disagreement on track, the crews of Jacob Funderburke and Christian Patterson stood up for their drivers, which ended up with people in places they shouldn't be. 

Love it. It's not often you see crew members jump through windows and try to murder other drivers, only to then get dragged down the street like that one cop with Scottie Scheffler. Wild. 

Hey … hey! You need to slow down in them pits!

God, I love this country. 

Rapid-fire time on the way out. First up? This ain't your daddy's Shania Twain:

That last one is Shania, Circa 1997. Obviously, a lot has changed in nearly three decades. And by that, I mean she sort of looks like Megan Fox now at 58, which I personally don't have a problem with. 

Apparently, though, I'm on an island:

Has she had work done? photo shop? this woman looks nothing like Shania. 

Who the heck? That looks NOTHING like you!

The clones don’t even look like them anymore! 😅 they are getting lazy.

Wayyyyyytoo much plastic surgery! Eek! Doesn’t even look like her…. Sad, she’s absolutely gorgeous without all that crap. 

I don’t even recognize Shania. She had such a beautiful face, before this. It’s incredibly sad when women feel like they have to take it to this extreme, in the name of beauty.

You can all piss right the hell off with those scorching takes. Shania Twain was hot in the 1990s and buddy, she can still paint the corners at 98 in 2024. 

So can Zach Bryan! Although, more so with his banger music. Seriously, is anyone in country doing it better right now?

Serious question … do you consider Zach Bryan to be a country singer? We had this debate down by the pool last week – between the children screaming, of course – because at one point, Zach Bryan and then some fella named Shaboozey came on someone's Spotify. 

Now, I actually like both, but then I found out this was all coming from a country station. Huh? Am I wrong in saying neither of those are country music? I don't know what you'd classify them as, but I grew up in the Shania era. 

That ain't Shania. Or Garth. Or Alan. Maybe it's just passed me by? Sad. 

Anyway, here's Josie Canseco and Johnny Manziel getting naked in bed!

Gia Duddy takes us into a big week

Unreal power couple. Jose Canseco's daughter and Johnny Manziel? What the hell could go wrong?!

Can't wait to see how this unfolds over the next few months. Again, the back-half of 2024 may just rival Season 4 of Breaking Bad. Stay tuned. 

That's all I got for today. Good to be back. 

Just kidding. 

Now, let's go have a week!

OutKick Nightcaps is a daily column set to run Monday through Friday at 4 p.m. (roughly, we’re not robots).

Does Shania Twain still have it? Email me at  

Written by
Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.