There's been a huge increase in the amount of sex dolls being purchased in Melbourne, Australia. So much so that one online retailer has sold out of their life sized dolls. But they're not being sold to people looking for an inanimate partner. The traffic in the city is to blame for the uptick in orders. It's getting so out of control that people have been shelling out thousands of dollars for the dolls. All so that they can be used in the T2 transit lanes on highways. The lanes require at least two occupants in a vehicle. That's the story, and what at least one customer claimed, anyway. It's possible an underground sex doll brothel opened up and is to blame for the increase in sales. Somehow that seems even crazier than the dolls being purchased to get around traffic laws. Adam Lea, the marketing manager for the online sex toy retailer Wild Secrets, believes the dolls are being used in cars. He said, "This has never happened in the company's 30-year history." "The reason behind this sudden spike in sales, all of which are in Melbourne, seems to be as travel partners for people using the Eastern Freeway," Lea added. "The awful traffic on the Eastern has resulted in a coup for us." "People are buying dolls so they can use the much faster transit lane." People may have been drawn to a particular version of the doll, called Donna, because an image of the doll showed it behind the wheel of a car. Traffic Seems Like A Convenient Excuse To Buy A Sex Doll Prior to the increased interest in the sex dolls, Lea says they would be sold infrequently. Some months they would only sell a couple of them. That changed a few months ago. Since then they've been flying off the virtual shelves. All of the sex dolls on their website now say they're sold out. There have been pictures of what appear to be sex dolls in the passenger seats that have surfaced on the internet. They seem to back the claims as to why there's been such an increase in sex doll sales. Dropping thousands of dollars on a sex doll that sits in the passenger seat apparently beats sitting in Melbourne traffic. Blaming terrible traffic is also a decent way to explain away the purchase.