Senator Destroys 'Expert' Witness On Climate Change, Finds His Old Tweets
Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy completely eviscerated an "expert" witness on climate change at a Senate Budget Committee hearing on Wednesday.
Democrats invited Olympic skier Gus Schumacher to testify on "The Nature of Climate Costs" — because apparently all the scientists were busy.

(Getty Images)
During the hearing, Schumacher recited a statement (which he almost surely did not write himself), claiming "Climate change has dramatically altered the conditions for winter sports." He said he's seen firsthand the "unpredictable" winters and changes in the landscape of his native Alaska over time — a remarkable observation, given that he's only 23 years old.
So Sen. Kennedy asked Schumacher a few basic questions, like What is carbon dioxide? How much will it cost to go carbon-neutral? What, exactly, is it you want us to do?
Shockingly, the climate expert was stumped across the board. And these are the people trying to convince the government to spend trillions of taxpayer dollars.
Just an all-around embarrassment for the Democrats and climate activists. They clearly didn't even bother to prep the guy on the most basic questions he might face during the hearing. And what makes a 20-something skier an expert on climate change, anyway?
What's next? Whoopi Goldberg advises on tax legislation? Tom Brady's testimony on border security?
RELATED: Climate Dork Shoved To Ground After Confronting Senator Joe Manchin
Naturally, social media had a field day with the exchange between Kennedy and Jeff Spicoli 2.0.
"I just like play in the snow, and I, like, noticed the snow wasn’t so snowy anymore," one user on X mocked.
"Their Greta [Thunberg] moment failed," wrote another.
Sen. John Kennedy Pulls Gus Schumacker's Old Tweets
But Kennedy wasn't done after the general science exam. He also pulled some old Twitter posts, which show that Schumacher regularly echoes empty left-wing platitudes without any knowledge of the issue.
"When my colleagues invite witnesses to … advise us on passing legislation, I always check out the background of our witnesses because I like to know who I’m talking to," Kennedy said.
Seems fair.
Schumacher had re--posted someone saying, "The ‘war on drugs’ was intentionally created to incarcerate black people en masse," on June 8, 2020.
"Who intentionally created the ‘war on drugs’ to put black people in jail?" Kennedy asked the skier.
Schumacher responded that he does not recall typing it.

(Instagram: @gus.schumacher)
Schumacher had also re-posted someone quoting a protester saying, "Police are paid w/taxpayer $$$. If they are not answerable to us, we can demand new service & that’s what this is. #AbolishThePolice in favor of that new service" on Aug. 27, 2020.
"You think we ought to abolish the police?" Kennedy asked. "Should we do that before or after we get rid of fossil fuels?"
"I’m not going to address that," Schumacher answered.
He really didn't address anything at all. But while we're on the subject of protecting Mother Nature, did you know skiing is also considered bad for the environment?
According to, the environmental costs of ski resorts are monumental — contributing heavily to the disturbance and displacement of wildlife, deforestation, excessive water usage and the production of greenhouse gases.
Can we bring Gus back to ask him about that?