People Share Scariest Vacation Stories, And It's Pure Nightmare Fuel

Another terrifying Reddit thread is going viral, and this one will make you nervous to go on vacation.

Reddit - one of my favorite sites to spend time on - has been on a real bender lately when it comes to pumping out content.

Below are a few of the recent hits:

Those are just some quick hitters, and we have another deep rabbit hole to explore that's pretty terrifying.

Reddit users share crazy vacation stories.

A thread titled "What was the scariest moment you’ve had on vacation?" is loaded with some of the scariest vacation stories you'll ever read.

Vacation is supposed to be a great time, but apparently, things can go south pretty quickly. Check out some of the stories and hit me with your thoughts at

  • Went vacationing in Mexico with my family when I was 9. Lost my parents in a marketplace in Cancun and tried to tell a guy I was trying to find my family. He told me he’d find me a new one, moments before my father arrived.
  • Not me, but in high school my friend was on vacation with his family in Costa Rica. He went out surfing pretty far before he noticed someone even farther out waving to him for help. As he got closer, he realized the guy had kids with him. The man asked my friend to bring his kids to shore and then come back to help him. My friend got the kids in safely but by the time he got back to the man, he had drowned from exhaustion. My friend had to paddle this guys body back to shore where his family was waiting. My friend was never really the same.
  • Almost died last year. Halfway through vacation I started having pain in my groin/colon after taking my morning dump. Thought it was just something I ate. Several bloody poops and pain like I’ve never had before later and I’m in the ER at 12:30 am being told they thought I was septic and I had a 104.5° fever. After taking pain meds stronger than morphine apparently I passed out for like 30 min and they thought I was gonna have a seizure and die according to several doctors. Turns out I had several infections from unchecked leukemia. Weird thing is we were vacationing in outer banks NC when I got my cancer diagnosis. Back when I was a kid my dad was diagnosed with cancer after vacationing there. Safe to say my family is avoiding it like the plague from now on.
  • Pretty simple really. Camping on the beach in Mexico, middle of the night and we are all sleeping. Everyone in our groups tents get robbed. With all of us f*cking asleep in them. That’s some serious boogyman shit.
  • My uncle decided to f*ck around on a trail in Yellowstone near some hot pools. He was walking backwards on the trail and f*cking FELL OFF right onto the crust near the hot pools. By sheer luck, he didn't fall through. It was horrifying. I thought we were witnessing a man die.
  • On an overnight bus from Delhi to Dharmsala. (I am female and was 26 at the time.) We stopped at a gas station in the night so we could use a restroom. I was the last in line, and when I came out, the bus was taking off and headed back onto the highway. I sprinted after it screaming "No!" over and over at the top of my lungs. Someone must of heard or seen me and the bus stopped. I truly do not know what I would have done had I really been left behind.
  • Woman next door to me in a hotel was murdered. I heard her screaming "Get out of here" a lot. Called the cops first and then the front help desk to tell them the situation. Cops show up and start questioning me, asking if I knew her, was in the room, or if I saw anyone else. I didn't know her, never left my room except to answer the door for the police, and never saw anyone else. Turns out she was running from her (ex) boyfriend as he was a known abuser and he finally tracked her down. I didn't learn any of this until I saw a news article about the hotel about a week later. F*cking crazy.
  • My mom and cousin (her nephew) traveled abroad. He had a severe allergic reaction to a pill he took and suffocated/died. My mom had to perform CPR on him, go to the hospital after getting exhausted, then arrange to have him flown back to America for burial.
  • Be me. Five year old on a beach vacation w family. In a typical gift shop in a tourist trap beach town. Was looking at the novelty license plates w kids names. See mine, and for once, it's spelled the way I spell it!!!! Freak out. Ask mom for it. She agrees (I think). The novelty wears off, and I get bored as they look at the stuff and I ask if I can wait outside. On the steps this old guy comes up and using my name said, "hey, X. Your parents said to come w me and we're going to meet them later. Come on X. Let's go". I'm super confused. Cousin comes out seconds later, and the old guy disappears as I am distracted talking to a cousin. I realized later that he had gotten my name off the license plate display exchange—this close.
  • I got really drunk in New Orleans. Phone died and I couldn’t get an Uber. Decided to walk back to my hotel. Could see it from where I was so just started walking. Two women saw me walking and asked if I needed a ride. I said sure. Told them where I was going and jumped in the back seat (obviously Idiotic drunk move). They drove me and I could tell we weren’t heading to my hotel. They were acting very strange, making phone calls, stopped at a gas station to "get some gas." I was sobering up REAL quick as this was all going down. At the gas station, they said the station "wouldn’t take cash" and were just stalling. I managed to get $20 out of my pocket, put it on the center console and luckily got out of the car, ran inside the gas station, and waited there for 15 minutes. After a while I took off running toward my hotel and made it there safely. I only ever told one person about this and I wonder all the time what they had planned for me.
  • First day of my first international trip, traveling alone. Went to a pub in London, had a few pints. Walked out the door to go back to my hotel and was attacked by a young man with a razor blade. He cut open my face down to the bone and then slashed me on the temple. Spent the next three days in the hospital bandaged up like the invisible man, not knowing what my face looked like underneath. When I finally left the hospital I had to borrow clothes, including underwear since mine had all gotten saturated with blood.

I'm not a huge vacation guy. I take a few days a year to go to Las Vegas with the boys, and I'll definitely continue to do that. This Reddit thread won't change that, but what an absolute horror show.

Imagine saving up money all year, having the dates circled on your calendar with complete excitement and then upon getting there, someone dies, you get attacked or there's an attempted kidnapping.

I would be beyond livid. I don't even think I'd be scared. I'd just be so damn mad that my vacation had been ruined.

Do you have a crazy vacation story? If so, I definitely want to hear it. Let me know at

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.