Santa Got Knocked Out In A Mosh Pit, Strapped An Ice Pack To His Head & Returned Like A Pro

It's confirmed, Santa Claus, Kris Kringle, Saint Nick - whatever you want to call him - is a badass.

The man who brings joy to millions of children all over the world each December isn't going to let a mosh pit injury at a concert slow him down.

You unwind by sipping an adult beverage on your back patio. Santa likes to see how much his skullet can withstand with the youth in a mosh pit.

From the looks of it, the jolly Saint Nick almost met his match at a recent Korn concert. A video shows a wobbly Santa in his full outfit receiving some medical attention with the help of security.

One might assume that he was simply being removed for having consumed too many drinks during the show. Thanks to those in the comment section, who apparently witnessed it, we know what happened.

Santa Claus got knocked out in the mosh pit then strapped an ice pack to his head to finish the show

Santa apparently got laid out. A witness said, "DUUUUDE I was up in the stands and watched him get laid the f*ck out and carried out and then he ran back in later with an ice pack on his head!!! I was screaming."

Another confirmed the commenter's version of events by saying, "hahaha I saw that, Santa doesn’t play."

The term "laid out" had some concerned that folks were attacking Mr. Claus and the witness clarified that he wasn't attacked by anyone. They added that he, "just took a bad fall in the mosh pit."

Others thought, before receiving the eyewitness testimony, that they were escorting Santa out. That's not what happened. It's a simple case of Santa going a little too hard is all.

Another witness said, "he was knocked out in the pit, got an ice pack strapped to his head and people saw him out there again with the ice pack."

I don’t care if you believe in Santa or not. The only thing that matters here is that we recognize it's this kind of will and determination that makes delivering all those packages in one night possible.

His night looked like it was over. He was out cold in the mosh pit. The next thing you know, he's receiving medical attention.

A lesser man would have called it a night, but not Santa Claus. Strap an ice pack to his head, because he's going back out there to finish the show.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.