Salma Hayek Says Farewell To July With A Healthy Reminder That Bikini Season Isn't Over

Welcome to the latest edition of Salma Hayek burning down Instagram. Today, the 57-year-old actress decided to relax as she pulled out her heavily used blowtorch and put it to use.

There's a hint of football season in the air with the Hall of Fame game tomorrow night and the Halloween decorations are slowly but surely hitting the shelves. Not to mention, the shipments of pumpkin spice everything are on their way as we speak.

With all of that staring her down, Salma is standing her ground.  She didn't even blink.  She's not turning her back on bikini season yet.  She's still fighting the good fight.  She's still in her bikini, eyes closed, relaxing in a pool as she says farewell to July.

There's no reason to panic as if it's the end of bikini season, because it's not.

Sure, the suburban housewives are ready for it to end.  They want nothing more than to cozy up in a sweater as they down a pumpkin spice latte.  But those who respect actual seasons, like the OutKick Culture Department, know there are plenty of pool days left on the calendar.

The sun is out, it's still hot, and Salma Hayek - soon to be 58 by the way - is "Waiting for August" without a care in the world.

Salma Hayek Is The Leader Bikini Season Deserves

Salma was leading the way this year on bikini season, and it's a role she's not relinquishing.

With healthy reminders such as this one, as the calendar turns to August, there aren't going to be many who challenge her leadership.

She was out in front early, she's been doing her part ever since, and she's not flinching when the season needs her the most.  That's someone you can have confidence in and get in line behind.

I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to plenty of Salma Hayek bikini season content during the month of August.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.