Salma Hayek Invades Ibiza To Defend Summer From Seasonal Creep, Worst Strike Of The Year & Bud Light Update

Did you ever get a day off school due to heat?

I asked this question to the text group first thing this morning and you'll like to hear that Millennial Chris B. in Bowling Green was the first one to JUMP at this one. 

He was furious. He's a Millennial. 

Now, I know the Boomers think the Millennials are SOFT, but MCBiBG is straight out of Georgia and he wants you to know his school NEVER got out for heat, fog, snow, cold, rain or wind. 

Today, across parts of Ohio, schools are out because…it's too hot. 

(Disclosure: I never went to a school with air conditioning.)

How did those of you who went to school in Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana and Texas, etc., etc. do it before air conditioning? What were your survival tricks? 

Your response?


Also, I want to know if any of you have ever heard of corn sweat. Our local weather guy Vickers went viral on Twitter for his corn sweat graphic. Between corn sweats and cooking your sweet corn in milk, it's been quite a summer for the corn topics around here. 

Farmers: Do you notice the humidity rising when the corn starts sweating?


Jim Harbaugh just happened to give a low-level staffer a game ball in 2022 after a 27-14 road win against Iowa?

What could a low-level analyst like Connor Stalions have done to deserve such an honor? These head coaches have $10 million in assistant salaries before they get to the level where Stalions was working. 

Maybe Stalions helped an old lady walk across the street in Iowa City outside the hotel. We have a bunch of coaches reading this column. How does a low-level staffer get the attention of Harbaugh during a tough, rugged Big Ten game?


Make this side dish & take it to a college football party this weekend

- Steve C. shares: 

Don’t know if this is the correct forum for this, but this EASY potato side dish pairs great with everything off the grill…beef, chicken, fish…whatever. Be sure to make extra as most everyone will want seconds. 

This recipe started as Broasted Potatoes, but has evolved to now become known as Bro Taters!!

Bro Taters Recipe 

For 4 servings (and adjust based on needs):

2 bags baby mixed potatoes (red, purple, gold,etc). Should be around 48 ozs total. 

1/2 cup olive oil

1 tsp garlic powder 

1 tsp paprika 

1 tsp salt

1/2 tsp pepper

1/2 to 2/3 cup Parmesan cheese shreds

Cut potatoes into halves/quarters. Boil potatoes for 8 minutes to soften. Add 1 tsp baking soda to boiling water at start with potatoes. Drain potatoes and allow to cool for a few minutes. 

Place drained potatoes in a large bowl for mixing. Add all ingredients, except Parmesan cheese. Stir gently to coat well. Place potatoes on cookie sheet, spreading evenly. Bake at 375 for 35 minutes. Remove from oven and spread Parmesan over potatoes, covering all. Increase heat to 450 and cook 10 minutes. Check for doneness. May need additional time. Goal is to have both the potatoes and the Parmesan cheese crispy. 

Great with sour cream. 

You can throw these in the oven and allow them to bake while then attending to the entree on the grill! Add a green like salad, roasted broccoli, roasted asparagus, etc. 

Enjoy the coming end of summer!

Vince ends his war with Gerard over drinking a big glass of white milk with his Midwestern breakfast

It sounds like these two have buried the hatchet. 

- Vince writes: 

Respect to Gerard for his milk comments and he’s correct. A glass of real whole milk is great for the body and is a natural strength builder. The problem is most milk has been bastardized for decades. No more roasting of Gerard, now he needs to send in pics of the real steaks. 

Do people still buy rounds of drinks at bars these days? I guess not because I didn't receive many emails on this subject

- Ken in Pennsylvania writes: 

I've been a fan of OutKick for several months now.  Initially linked through but now in solidly in my bookmarks.  Always following the conversation but never got involved until now. Regarding the subject, times are tough.  The last time I bought 'the bar' a round was several years ago after hitting a nice scratch-off.  Years later, no money for 'the bar' - VOTE!!!!. 

However, my buddies and I regularly hit our fav establishment 2-3 times a week for dinner, drinks and friends (3-5 ppl).  We all by 'rounds' for each other.  Some night some guys come out ahead on drinks and sometimes we come out behind.  But as long as we have been doing this everyone comes out the same.  Buy round, get a thank you,  Drink a round, give a thank you.  Times are tough but we are all human.  Friends!!!


I love messages like this. Ken was a reader who clicked on an OutKick link embedded on the Fox front page and it brought him to us, and then he found Screencaps. 

Now Ken's an emailer. He's joining the fun. He's engaging. Sharing. Enjoying America's Best Daily Column. 

Ken tells his buddies to read. They tell their buddies to read. They tell their sons to read to get a dose of Real America. Drip…drip…drip. 

This is growth 101 on the Internet. 

I'm not the only one who hasn't seen rain in a long time

- Jeff M. writes: 

Hey Joe, with the talk on the #TNML twitter page about the lack of rain, thought I'd mention a website I've been submitting to for over 15 years to monitor precipitation. It's  Basically you take reading daily from your backyard rain gauge and submit to the app/website. I like to see not only my historic rainfall, but what other areas of the country are getting/not getting rain.  

But I'm a weather geek, kinda goes hand in hand with mowing and yard care.  My station ID is TN-WL-38.  

Has been 3+ weeks with basically no precip here.  Mowed once all month.  Hoping for rain here by the weekend, so I can at least get in a mow for the playoffs!

Anonymous Millennial First Time Home Owner, who lost his mother and father, needs help from those of you who've seen a few things

- AMFTHO writes: 

I'm a long time first timer. I'm 38. One those millennials. I grew up on the west coast. San Diego. Best California coastal city. California still suck its why I never wanted to stay. Moved to Washington just north of Seattle. I called it the El Cajon of Seattle. Everett. Town/city that used to be small. It's not anymore. 

Due to multiple reasons I moved to the Midwest. SE Iowa. I bought home. I have a lawn and backyard. Can't move in till next weekend. I don't own a bed. Comes in next Friday so I am living with my step mom. My dad moved too, but he passed a couple years back. Lost my mom 7 years ago. 

I guess I'm looking for advice from the community. I have never bought a home before. My dad was the guy I went to. 

In the pictures is my electrical panel and fuses. I have never seen fuses like this. Nor have I seen so little switches. It's like my house is on 2 breakers. Do I need an electrician? Can this be split per room? Should it be split per room?  

AMFTHO adds: 

Also what is this plant? What is the best way to trim it back? Should I even keep it? 


1. Would any of you retirees or electricians have advice for AMFTHO on the panel situation?

2. That looks like a hibiscus bush. My advice, and I'm sure many others will say the same thing, is to go slow pulling out things in garden beds. As a first-time homeowner, you might not realize you're pulling plants that can be of significant value based on how long it takes for the plants to mature. That bush has aged perfectly and seems to be in great shape. Personally, I would leave it alone. It looks great. 

3. Congratulations on purchasing your first home and owning a lawn to care for. Taking pride in property and community is insanely admirable. Keep the questions coming. We have readers just waiting to be of service. 

4. If you want to connect directly with readers, I suggest joining the Screencaps Facebook Group. Ask questions there, too. You'll get immediate responses. 

The Merchant Marines

- Dave in Cincinnati writes: 

USMMA is a good gig if you can handle the rigors of military school for 4 years.

My best friend was a USMMA grad. His congressional appointment came from a soon-to-be convicted congressman.

The commitment to the maritime industry, post-graduation, may be a better deal the military commitments of the other service academies.

I spent a whole lotta time with his friends. Some served as engineers on the Rikers Island prison barge, others tug boat captains, while my buddy worked oil tankers.

At 22 years old, in the 1980’s, 4 months at sea making $12k a month, 4 months off, he saw the world.

Is it a rule Basset Hounds must have a human name?

- Jason DeM. in Kalamazoo writes: 

It’s a rule for all dogs in my family, regardless of breed.

This is Carl:

Numbers from :

Stuff You Guys Sent In & Stuff I Like : 

Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.