Rolling Stone Picks A Fight With John Cena Over Absurd White Nationalist Claim

Rolling Stone has a lot of time on its hands. 

The once iconic music and pop culture magazine is being absolutely wrecked on social media today after a new article was written about whom WWE superstar and actor John Cena follows on Twitter. The magazine reported that Cena's following list includes white nationalists, as well as other controversial people.

Now, sure it would be a big deal if Cena was following and interacting with those that spew hatred or divisiveness, we'd all agree on that. The problem is, JOHN CENA FOLLOWS OVER 850,000 PEOPLE. It's not like he's getting drinks with these people or even knows they exist in the first place. 



Literally, if you go to John Cena's Twitter account, you can see that the wrestler currently follows 857,000 people while also having 14.4 million followers.

My God, Rolling Stone. Your article is more of a stretch than Andre the Giant trying to fit into his wrestling gear. 

The premise of the Rolling Stone piece, written by Miles Klee, centers around the fact that if Cena really cared about his "Rise Above Hate" brand that has become universally known, then he wouldn't follow some of the accounts that he does. Keep in mind that John Cena holds the Guinness World Record for MOST wishes granted through the Make-A-Wish Foundation and is universally known as one of the nicest and most charitable athletes. 

Never mind the fact that it's probably not even Cena personally clicking the "Follow" button on every single one of those social media accounts, but rather someone from his team. Or who knows, maybe someone tweeted something nice about him, and he decided to be kind in return and drop a follow to the nearly 900K people.


Anyone who has spent anytime whatsoever on social media knows that everything is a constantly changing algorithm these days - I don't see 90% of the people I follow on Twitter's actual posts, and in the rare chance I do - there's no guarantee that I'm going to see their follow-up ones. Someone can tweet about a Yankees game in one post and in another say some pretty horrible things that I may never come across. That's just the Wild West of the Artificial Intelligence, algorithm-dominated social media world we live in these days.

Also, who's to say that Cena didn't follow those with opposing viewpoints so he could see what they are saying or try to learn why they feel the way they do? (I'm not talking about the true wackjobs out there) I'd argue that we need more people that are willing to have discussion, debate as that's the only way to eventually come to a mutual respect with those who you disagree with. 

To silence opposition or only surround yourself with those that believe the same way you do is asinine, ignorant and dangerous, Rolling Stone. 

But then again, we are talking about an outlet that lied during Covid, thinks Celine Dion isn't a top 200 singer, and earlier this year encouraged people to STILL WEAR masks because of Covid