Rising Star TV Anchor Caroline Collins Stops By, Will Muschamp's Incredible Backyard & A Giant Rabbit Is A Hit At Giants Game
The Put-in-Bay Two-Club Invitational is coming along nicely
I've mentioned it several times and now it's time to get down to business as we quickly approach the Put-In-Bay Two-Club Invitational golf tournament I throw with my sports talk radio buddy Anthony Bellino on the glorious Ohio island in the middle of Lake Erie.
Here are the details once again:
• July 9, 11 a.m. at the Put-in-Bay Country Club
• I bring everything in my wife's sled, you just show up
• Again, I bring the clubs, you show up
• Two-man or woman scramble; Don't have a partner? We'll hook you up or create a three-person team
• You're highly required to chill on the island; Please don't show up in actual golf gear; Shoes optional
• You and a partner will get two clubs out of my used club bag; one will be an old 3 or 5-wood, the other club will be some sort of iron; no putters
• Shotgun start
• I bring a leaf blower to make the conditions the best they can be
• $40 to play
• $5 per shot in the 9th hole closest to the pin challenge
• I bring coolers of beer, water, 9th hole hot dogs, chips, etc.
Teams have been paying up and are ready to roll. I don't care if you pay me at the course, just give me some sort of heads up because I don't want to be short on drinks.
Again, this might be the loosest golf tournament you'll ever play in. We've had guys go shirtless. We've had multiple people play without shoes. You get the idea.
Let me know if there are further questions.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com
Here come the Linkedin 'congrats'
I wasn't paying attention and all of a sudden my Linkedin account started celebrating my OutKick two-year anniversary (it was actually June 1) as the algorithm bot went to work pumping out that alert to all the new followers. God bless the algorithm bots who keep reminding us of birthdays for people we went to high school with and work anniversaries. How did we ever live before the bots?
Anyway, according to government data, on average, those born between 1957-64 held an average of 12.4 jobs between the ages of 18 to 54. You guys can chew on that statistic today and calculate your own job history. I'm sitting here thinking about employers I've had during my professional life and I'm lucky to count just six, but two of those employers were through sales of businesses where I stayed on through the sales.
I'll take it.

I'm sorry, Z, my title as given to me by the Screencaps readers shall remain "Senior Director of Content and Screencaps For Real America!"
Vice president makes it sound like I should sit around all day on Zoom calls and I'm much too young for that lifestyle. Now, down the road I wouldn't rule it out. VP of Team Screencaps would be an awesome transition to make at some point.
Mosquitos...help this man
• Tim in Germantown writes:
Question for the community: Seeing everyone’s nice yards, does anyone have the mosquito problem I have. I’ve cut trees down, bushes removed, no standing water, etc. but these menace to society little $hits won’t go away. My neighbors spray, so that’s not a problem. I’ve got a service, and tried various other tactics, does anyone have something I’m missing?
One of you has to own a mosquito-spraying business who can help Tim detect what's causing his mosquito problem. I think we're going to need to see a photo of the area where this problem is festering.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com
Put it in reverse Terry!
• Dana B. wants us all to remember to be safe this holiday season and when in doubt, put it in reverse like Terry should have done in one of the greatest viral 4th of July videos of all time.
Was Peyton Manning around in the 1930s?
• Mark H. writes
Joe --- You forgot to mention that Peyton Manning was Yogi’s Coach

TNML on the 4th of July
• Mike T. in Idaho has a song suggestion this holiday season:
New month, new TNML song. This fantastic song covers not on the spirit of the TNML, but the unbelievable opportunity we are afforded by being Americans. Which what we should celebrate on 7/4/22
“Only in America, where we can dream as big as we want too”
“Everybody get a chance, everybody gets to dance “
“Dreaming the Red, White and Blue”
Summer of Patio pizzas
• Mike T. also wants you guys to think about patio pizzas since it's the Summer of the Patio. Mike writes:
The ultimate backyard toy for a man hosting kids pool parties!

Jet powered blower
• Beau in Toledo writes:
That should be enough this morning. I can tell that thousands of you are on vacation or just chilling out this week. The email inbox has been relaxed as you guys suck down a giant helping of the middle of summer. Enjoy your peaceful time.
For those of you working today, I want full gas and some brake during lunch. Give 'em hell out there across this incredible country (even with its flaws). Let's have a day.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com