Riley Gaines-Kirk Cameron Speaking Event At Alabama Library Canceled ... Because Too Many People Wanted To Go?

An event at an Alabama library featuring women's rights advocate Riley Gaines, host of OutKick's Gaines For Girls podcast, has been canceled.

Why? Well, because too many people wanted to attend. Hmmmmm.

Gaines was scheduled to appear at a book-reading event with actor Kirk Cameron at the Madison Public Library.

The Madison Public Library was one of several stops scheduled for the day.

However, just two days before the event, the Huntsville-Madison County Public Library System released a statement saying it wouldn't be happening.

The event was organized by Moms for Liberty and was set to take place in a library meeting room.

"Due to the event’s anticipated attendance increasing beyond the Library’s capacity, the Library will be unable to host the event," the library's statement said.

They said that the event quickly drew more interest than they thought it would. Soon, it became difficult to host so many people.

"Initially, the organizers of the event reported 20 attendees to library officials," the statement read. "On Tuesday the Library learned that event organizers are now expecting over 300 people, a number that far exceeds any meeting room capacity within the Huntsville-Madison County Library System."

The Library Said They Could Accommodate The Gaines And Cameron Event

The library said that they worked with local law enforcement and fire departments to find a way to host the event but couldn't. This was partially blamed on the hosting organization's failure to obtain an event permit.

"The Moms for Liberty group failed to apply for an event permit in advance, and it was determined that City resources cannot support an event of this size on such short notice," the library statement said.

Cameron reacted to news that the event had been canceled. The Growing Pains star noted that libraries should be excited so many people wanted to attend.

"These libraries should be grateful that so many parents and children are excited to visit them tomorrow," the actor wrote. "With e-books and other online reading options, sit-down libraries are becoming irrelevant and obsolete to the younger generation.

"Libraries should be capitalizing on this family friendly movement and embracing it. Too much fear and woke-ness has made the ALA (American Library Association) and these librarians go mad. They are cutting off their nose to spite their face."

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.