RFK Jr. Caught On Camera Doing What Any Man Would Do If They Were Getting Berated By Lunatic Elizabeth Warren

It's official – RFK Jr. is one of us. One of us! One of us! One of us! 

He puts his pants on one leg at a time just like you and I do in the morning (I assume), and he can only take so much nagging from insufferable Libs before he decides to drown out all the noise with a little white powder. 

No, you animals! I ain't talking about that. I'm talking about the beautiful, wonderful world of nicotine pouches! One of my absolute favorite things in the world. Something, frankly, I hold near and dear to my heart. 

For those who missed it, Bobby was just berated by the disgusting Libs during Wednesday's confirmation hearing, much like Pete Hegseth was last week. Elizabeth Warren was particularly nasty, yelling and screaming at Kennedy for hours on end and looking like an absolute lunatic along the way. 

"Mom! Another angry liberal woman is attacking a white conservative again." 

Those are the vibes I got. And, apparently, those are the ones RFK Jr. got, too, because at one point while Liz was spewing bullshit, he decided enough was enough and popped in what appeared to be a delicious nicotine pouch. 

Straight to the bottom lip, like a damn VET! Suck it in, Bobby! Wintergreen 6, baby!

This is relatable, which is something the Dems are NOT

My God. It's the most relatable thing I've ever seen a politician do. We've all been there, fellas. The missus is PISSED that you asked to go play 18 with the boys when you have a messy-ass house and unruly kids, and she starts to let you HAVE IT. 

You have to just sit there and take it, much like Bobby did yesterday with Fauxcahontas (a reader recently told me that's Warren's true nickname, so I'm giving it a spin). 

You can't get a word in edge-wise because she's so irate. You don't want to make things worse by saying something stupid, so you just have to ride out the storm and hope the sun peaks through on the other side. 

But you have a tin of nicotine in your back pocket, and she's calling your name. Now, some folks will naturally say these are Zyns that Bobby's ripping. I'm not a Zyn guy, so I won't fall into that trap. I'm a Rogue guy. They're so much better it ain't even funny. You'll learn one day if you don't know already. Trust me. 

Whatever they are, it's clear as day what Kennedy is doing here, and I respect the hell out of it. Sometimes, you just need to close your eyes, suck on some beautiful nicotine, and go to your happy place for a few moments. 

And I'd say getting your ass handed to you by psychopath Liz Warren certainly warrants a trip to buzzville

Speaking of, I'm headed there right now. See you soon, Bobby!

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.