Crazy Deathbed Confessions Go Viral, Stories Are Bone-Chilling
Insane deathbed confessions are going viral online, and the stories will send a chill down your spine.
I was scrolling through Reddit this fine Monday morning sipping on my black coffee as I always do when I stumbled across a topic that grabbed my attention:
Deathbed confessions.
Deathbed confessions go viral on Reddit.
It seems like there's always a story that pops up every few years about someone famous making a deathbed confession. There are plenty of alleged deathbed confessions involving the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Who knows if any of them are real, but feel free to search them on Google.
Having secrets certainly isn't rare, and some people don't want to take those secrets to the grave. That leads to deathbed confessions, and the Reddit thread is truly wild.
Check out some of the answers below, and let me know your thoughts at
- One of my uncles confessed to having two other children with another woman. He thought he was going to die from COVID and I guess he felt he needed to come clean. He didn't die. That was back in 2020 and there's still a ridiculous amount of drama happening over potential inheritances and whatnot.
- There was a couple where the wife got some mental illness where she wouldn't go outside the house. This went on for years. Eventually after counseling she made a little progress and agreed to go to the drugstore one night. She went in while her husband stayed in the car. While she was in the drugstore, someone walked in, shot her in the back of the head and walked out. She died immediately and the shooter was never caught. For years everyone thought it was some insane paranormal thing, like she somehow knew that being out in public would lead to her death etc... Many decades later, the husband admitted on his deathbed that he had hired someone to kill her because he could not take her mental illness anymore.
- My stepfather requested to see the two other families he had that nobody knew about on his deathbed. Boy was that fun.
- My great-great uncle admitted on his deathbed that he wasn't actually related to our family, he'd spent the last 40 years in the US using one of our distant relatives citizenship papers since they looked close enough and in the 1920's that was really all you needed. He didn't kill the real uncle or anything, the guy had just decided America wasn't for him and went home. This dude was like "Hey, since you aren't wanting to go back, can I have your papers?" and that was that. Not haunting at all, but my family doesn't have very many death bed confessions, so it's still technically the most haunting.
- My grandmother confessed to me that I'm adopted. What haunts me is that her dementia was so bad that she legitimately believed I didn't know. For context, I'm Korean, my sister's Mexican, and our parents are white. I spent the last few hours with her letting her act as if she were breaking it to me gently and promising I wouldn't be upset with my parents for not telling me (even though they had and it was kinda hard to miss).
- My grandfather revealed that my mother was not his only child. In the 1950s, when his longtime best friend was unable to impregnate his wife, my grandfather spent a week (A WEEK) in a remote cabin in the Ozarks having sex with this guy’s wife in order to give them a child. He said they had sex over 20 times. His friend even walked in on them once having sex on the kitchen counter after he drove down for the day to check on them - no phone at the cabin. Well, the week of sex worked and she got pregnant. The couple then moved out of state to start a new life as a family - to this day it is their only child and she’s not aware of her biological dad. The only communication my grandfather received from them afterward was a letter giving confirmation the child was born a healthy little girl. He never saw his friend again, but stated he often thought about that cabin in the woods.
- When I was in hospital, the guy in the bed next to me just asked to stop taking his meds as he was ready to die. Last thing I heard him say was "There's no one waiting for me at home, so I'm going where they are." Wasn't really a shocking confession, just a lonely and heartbreaking one.
- My wife is a CNA in a nursing home. She had a resident who was formally a delivery (OB) nurse in the 70s and 80s. When she was on her last few breaths, my wife was leaning in to her face to clean it, and she whispered in my wife's ear, "When I was a nurse, I switched babies around" I'm not sure what's worse, knowing that one child may not be your child, or that this woman could have done it MANY times.
- My grandpa whispered something cryptic right before he passed. He said, "The garden gnome... it was always him," and then just closed his eyes forever. It's been ten years, and I still get chills thinking about it. I mean, what garden gnome? Why him? I never even got to ask.
- There was an ongoing land dispute in the family and my grandpa just before dying told me that the whole land is mine on his will. 8 years later I still haven’t tackled or talked about it yet.
- My wife's grandmother called her husband over to her and said something along the lines of. " I've hated you for decades. You are a racist controlling b*stard." She died a few minutes later. He went down to the cafeteria and got lunch.
- Not really this but my mom was raised in KY where all the miners and coal operators were in conflict in the 1930s and on and she told about some older man who had worked for the coal company and had presumably done some bad stuff on their behalf. Car bombs, shootings, I don’t know. As he lay dying in the hospital years later the coal co. had someone sit in his room 24 hours to be sure he did not do any deathbed confessions. Creepy as hell I always thought.
- Father thought he murdered a woman when he was teenage little sh*t. I asked for name and he told me and I looked it up on smartphone and found out and was dead but she died in September 11th attack not when my father beat the sh*t out of her in the 70s. It was a weird sense of relief that he didn't directly murder someone but also acknowledge he was a woman abuser who thought he legitimately killed. It was weird but the priest gave him last rights are I confirmed to him he didn't murder anybody.
- In the 70s there was an unsolved murder of a teenage girl in my hometown and some beloved guy from the community allegedly confessed to the murder on his death bed. It's just spooky to think that even the nicest people may be monsters.
- A woman confessed to her husband of almost 55 years that the 3 kids they have, out of those 2 are not from him.
- My uncle, who was the oldest, admitted he passed on going to University so my other uncle and mother could. Only my father and me were told, and we keep it a secret still as we just don't want them to feel bad (he passed away a couple years ago, but it was very sudden and unpleasant).
Even if half of these stories are actually true, then it's more than enough to keep you awake at night for a very long time. Turns out some people are absolute scumbags of the highest degree.
So much murder. So many kids out of wedlock and secret families. What the hell is wrong with some people? This is not normal behavior at all.
The amount of death in this thread is truly shocking. It just goes to show you truly never know what some people are capable of.

Reddit users are going viral with horrifying deathbed confessions. (Credit: Getty Images)
Have fun sleeping tonight. I think this thread did more than enough to make sure that won't happen for many of the readers. Do you know of a crazy deathbed confession? Let me know at