What's 100% Worth The Money? People Share Very Accurate Answers

What's something you have absolutely no issue spending money on?

It's a question I'm sure we've all been asked from time to time. There's always something people like to splurge on or something that's simply too important or too much of a bargain to pass up.

Monday, we had a lengthy Reddit thread exposing the biggest wastes of money in the country, and I'd encourage everyone to check it out.

It's amazing the scams some people still manage to fall for. Yet, it keeps happening.

What's worth the money?

Well, we shined a light on the bad, and in the name of fairness, it's time to shine a light on uses of money that are actually solid.

A viral thread is compiling things people have zero problem justifying spending money on, and it's going to be hard to disagree with a lot of the answers. Check out some of the comments below, and definitely hit me with your thoughts at David.Hookstead@outkick.com:

  • A good pillow and a comfortable mattress
  • A quality and comfortable sofa/couch. Good dental care and braces is well worth it to me. But for safety I would say quality tires is a must.
  • Impacted wisdom teeth out.
  • Paying movers when moving into a new place.
  • Noise cancelling headphones.
  • Tailored clothing. Growing up, I had unusual measurements and no off-the-rack clothes every really fit me, and it greatly affected my confidence. In adulthood I was surprised to learn just how big a difference it makes to wear clothes that actually fit you.
  • My dog. Every vet bill, every toy, every trip. He saved me.
  • Divorce.
  • Traveling! I have learned so much from other cultures by moving all over the world.
  • I got some good advice from my grandfather when I was young. Never skimp on the things that connect you to the earth. Don't skimp on shoes, tires, and bed. There are obviously others in those categories but I agree. Quality tires will save your life, good shoes will save your feet, and good bed will help you sleep. I'd also throw desk chair in that conversation.
  • My airfryer. Lol. I can literally do anything in it. Bake. Roast. Dehydrate. Airfry obviously. Broil. I mean anything. I loveeee it. It was fairly expensive at the time. Worth every penny lol
  • Moving to another state to be with my partner (best friend at the time… and still).

And this is *BY FAR* my favorite answer in the thread:

  • Had an ex that was acting weird, making accusations against me. I purchased a security camera system around Memorial Day last year. June 18th last year she showed up to my house with a shotgun. Worth every penny for that security system. There was no he said, she said.

What an unexpected development, and on that note, you really can't go wrong investing in some solid firearms. While I won't get into specifics publicly, I can promise you a handful of great guns is worth every penny.

Another great one I saw a few times was paying for movers. I've never done that, but as someone who had to pick up everything and move a few years ago, it was hell on Earth. I'd gladly pay a bunch of money to make sure I never have to go through that nightmare again.

A few other quick hitters I can think of off the top of my head:

  • A great dog.
  • Land.
  • High quality winter clothing.
  • A PS5 to play "College Football 25."

And finally, I asked my girlfriend (yes, I talk to at least one woman) what she considers a great use of money, and she responded that she considered a solid cocktail satisfactory. My kind of vibe and woman. Let me know what you think at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.

Written by
David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.