People Reveal Most Terrifying Experiences, And The Stories Are Horrifying

Reddit users are doing what they can to make sure people don't sleep at night.

As I often say, I love Reddit, and I often find myself reading threads for an extended period of time. You never know what you're going to find.

While there's certainly a lot of uplifting content, there's also some stuff on Reddit that is the definition of nightmare fuel.

Enter a thread about the most terrifying experiences people have gone through.

Viral Reddit thread shines light on people's scariest experiences.

A Reddit thread titled "What‘s a moment of intense fear that you will never forget?" is about exactly what the title indicates. People are sharing some truly wild stories that might have you looking over our shoulder.

Check out some responses below, and hit me with your thoughts at

  • When I was home alone and looked into my infant son’s baby monitor as he slept in his room only to see an adult body leaning down into his crib. Ran screaming into his room to find him sound asleep and no one there. Turns out the monitor glitched and froze on the image of me putting him down earlier.
  • My aunt tells a story of sitting there listening to her old baby monitor when she started to hear voices coming out of it. Muffled, static, but clearly human. 'You're still awake, baby?' ... 'No'... Something like that. She ran in and saw nothing. Being religious and superstitious she thought she was picking up spirits. She decided she'd call the neighbor or bishop for a Mormon version of an exorcism, but couldn't find the phone. She went back to get the monitor and heard the ghost doing high school gossip. Turns out the old wireless phone (back when we had landlines, but after they made wireless sets) they had was being picked up on the same frequency by the monitor. She was getting one side of the conversation from her kid calling a crush from their bedroom.
  • Being out in the open and getting caught in a gang shooting. Could literally hear a bullet whiz by. Instant adrenaline high that took like a day to come down from.
  • I was on holidays in Malaysia and no one warned me about how good and coconutty my sunscreen made me smell. I soon discovered it after getting chased down the mountain by a pack of monkeys. That moment I knew true fear. Full on monkey attack by 20-30 small to medium primates haunts me to this day.
  • The first time I was robbed at gun point. I’ll never forget that feeling of hopelessness in a split second.
  • Sneaking into a neighbor's yard as a kid, in an attempt to retrieve a volleyball that went over their fence...and coming face-to-face with the biggest, meanest-looking dog I'd ever seen in my life. He was jet-black and taller than me even standing on all fours, and even more so when he reared onto his hind legs to try to peek over the fence. From my little 8-year old kid POV, that dog seemed like the size of a horse or something. Fortunately he was friendly, and so was the owner. She helped me get the ball back and called off the dog, who was just curious and eager to play. Still, as a little kid unexpectedly coming face-to-face with a full-sized Great Dane? It was enough to make me pee a little from sheer fright.
  • My First gunfight in Afghanistan in 2013 i'll never forget! Glad i came back without PTSD or injuries. Served as a Combatmedic for 12 years.
  • Psychosis. I'm better now, but wow is it horrifying. The mind creates unimaginable terror. Delusions aren't delusional when you're living them. You can believe in Hell and actually experience it. -10/10, would not recommend.
  • When I was a kid one night I was lay awake in bed late at night. My bedroom was above the kitchen so I could hear everything going on in the kitchen. Both my parents were asleep and I’m an only child so nobody else was awake in the house. Suddenly I hear what sounded like a child shouting "hello?" In the kitchen. I froze in bed and was absolutely terrified. It went on for a few minutes and stopped. I think I just lay there for the rest of the night. In the morning it turned out this cat which was kind of brain damaged or something from across the road had got in, and we’d noticed before it would sometimes yowl in their garden and make a sound that sounded exactly like a child shouting "hello." Made sense as we had our own cats and the cat flap/ cat door was through the back door which led directly into the kitchen. Scared the sh*t out of me at the time though as I was convinced the house was haunted.
  • I was around 15/16 when this happened. Me and my girlfriend at the time are riding our bikes home from school. We were 20 minutes away, and the sky behind us was getting darker and darker. We kept going in the hope that we would make it home in time. The air felt suddenly cold, which was unusual. Once we reached her house, I looked up to see a huge funnel cloud hanging over. We went inside in panic and went into the basement, ditching the bikes on the grass. When we watched the news after the storm passed, it turned out the funnel cloud formed into an EF1 and touched down 4 miles away from here. It hit a small field with no houses around, with only some damage to crops. I have a fear of storms now, but I live somewhere that rarely gets them in the first place so I don't have too much to worry about.
  • The first time I heard an air raid siren. My partner is Ukrainian. I visited Ukraine last summer. It had been a really peaceful summer's day, enough to forget that you're effectively in a war zone. We were walking from the Dnipro river back into the city centre, loads of people were out. It wasn't so much the noise of the siren that scared me, it was how people reacted: the looks of fear on the faces of the people around us, the strange hurried walking towards the shelters, and above all how a bustling city went quiet. That sound haunts me. I even hallucinate it back home sometimes.
  • I rode my bike home from a friend's house late in the evening. As I was driving through a small park, I was suddenly knocked to the ground. There were two drunk men and I can still remember the strong smell of alcohol. As I lay there on the floor and the men attacked me, my whole body was shaking and I was scared to death. Out of nowhere the two of them left me and ran away, I still don't know why.
  • Two men broke into my house when I was home alone. I thought it was my step dad home for lunch so I didn’t think much of all the noise (he would often come home to take care of his massive saltwater aquariums). Then my cat started freaking out so I exited my room and saw them in the hallway, about to come to my room next. They fled. The police said they were probably young drug addicts looking for an easy hit with no one home which is why they didn’t escalate to violence. They also stole a bunch of my mom’s pills. Unfortunately for them, they were all hormone replacements as she was going through menopause. That was nearly 20 years ago and I still have PTSD. I never truly feel safe at home, especially when I’m alone.
  • Was getting groceries out of my trunk while it was raining. I hear a hiss of 'You better stop breakin' into my house!!' I turned around and about 5 inches from my face was a knife. Holding it was my upstairs neighbor who was schizophrenic and off her meds. She jabbed at me, I ducked, and quickly put my umbrella between us. She slashed that thing to pieces as I was trying to back my way into the building. Thankfully my neighbor saw and called 911 and they were super close. The poor woman was convinced I'd broken into her place, stealing things, she told the cops she had ghosts and they said she'd made massive holes in her walls.  She was gone for awhile. I was still scared of her when she got back as she wasn't a nice person anyway, but omg when she was off of her medication everyone was on high alert

I can honestly say I've never had any super terrifying experiences. I've certainly had some crazy experiences, but I think I must have a couple screws loose because even in the most dangerous of situations, it felt like I was having the time of my life. I had to get involved in the backend of an armed robbery a couple months ago to get a woman's stuff back, and when I say it was the best feeling in the world, I mean it. Going to confront a guy who turns out to have a gun isn't something I would ever advise, but the rush is unmatched. There are a couple more examples, but we'll save those stories for another time.

The only moment in 30+ years of life where I was super scared was when I was a little kid. I had a couple hand radios that I used because I thought it was cool. One night when they were on, I heard a pair of voices come on and one was screaming bloody murder. It lasted for about 10 seconds and was in the dead of night. The screaming was so loud and horrifying it woke me up and continued for several more seconds.

More than 20 years later, and nobody has ever figured out what we heard of the radios. It was a horrifying sound. Other than that, I can't say I've ever been through anything that was legitimately scary. Whether it's an armed robbery, a shooting or a home invasion, I've always kind of enjoyed the chaos from those events. Didn't enjoy whatever it was I heard on those radios.

Have a super scary story? Let me know at!

Written by
David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.