Did Military Black Ops Unit Shoot Each Other Recovering An Alien?

A wild UFO claim is gaining traction online.

As OutKick readers know, we have a bit of a fascination with UFOs here. I enjoy writing and reading stories about unexplained sightings and UPA/UFO/alien legends.

Do I believe them all? Not even close, but I do find them wildly entertaining. I know many people reading this feel the same way.

That leads us to an absolutely insane claim circulating Reddit.

Did a black ops military unit shoot each other recovering a UAP?

Investigative journalist and author Ross Coulthart hosted a Reddit AMA Wednesday, and a story popped up that is nothing short of shocking.

"Is there any merit to the claim that in 2004 there was a blue-on-blue fire fight between a JSOC unit and a Lockheed Martin Recovery Team over UAP craft resulting in the death of two JSOC members," Coulthart was asked.

His response was stunning. He wrote back, "Yes…And that's not the only incident." You can see the full exchange in the screenshot below.

I have to throw a challenge flag on this claim until serious evidence and exact specifics are revealed. There are five JSOC units and they are as follows:

  • Delta Force
  • SEAL Team 6
  • Task Force Orange
  • 24th STS
  • RRC

The best shooters are in Delta Force and SEAL Team 6 as they're direct action units. What unit would be used to recover a crashed craft or an alien body? Logic would seem to dictate it'd be Delta in some kind of coordination with Task Force Orange - a Tier One intelligence SMU.

So, with all of that laid out, we're supposed to believe two JSOC operators were killed and nobody found out about it. I find that borderline impossible to believe.

Now, the government absolutely sometimes hides specific details of how a JSOC operator was killed, but the truth always comes out. There are stories coming out now from the GWOT about guys dying the public didn't know the full details of for more than a decade.

However, we always knew they died in direct combat operations, even if specific details were withheld. You have to remember JSOC operators have families, parents, friends and other people they interact with. If they just disappeared or died without a baseline explanation, it would raise all kinds of red flags.

The idea two JSOC operators could have been killed in a shootout against themselves hunting a UAP or alien wouldn't be able to stay secret. The deaths would have to be explained and the survivors would likely never stay silent. Could I be wrong? Sure. The black ops world is a wild place, but without evidence, I'm not buying this claim. Let me know what you think at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.

Written by
David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.