Rams & Cowboys Fans Beat Some Ass To Start The Preseason

Let me say it again for those who might be new around here: Preseason NFL games are some of the trashiest, fight-filled sports events in the world. 

As of this fall, I have been working on the Internet for 17 years posting the most-violent, most-disgusting, bloodiest fan fights I can possibly find buried on social media. I have seen it all. I'm an expert in this field. That said, there's no bigger cesspool than NFL preseason games when drunken scumbags show up after buying $5 tickets off StubHub. 

That said, let's go to preseason game No. 1 in Los Angeles where the Cowboys were in town and Rams fans were in the mood to kick some ass. 

Let's start with Cowboys fans beating down a Rams fan. Guys, it's a preseason game! 

And then there's this action where it looks like Rams fan stomping out an unidentified fan: 

It wasn't just the drunken, jacked-up guys throwing fists. The ladies also got into it. 

Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.