Rachel Stuhlmann's Pickleball Prep Heats Up As Pro Debut Looms, Michael Jordan's Mansion Has A Buyer & MEAT!

I want to start with Adam Schefter's absolutely embarrassing flood of emotions over the supposed retirement of ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski

When we mock Big Js and the incredible self-worth they love to display we're talking about what happened Wednesday when NBA Insider® Wojnarowski announced he was leaving the Worldwide Leader. 

NFL Insider® Adam Schefter then went on one of the shows and nearly cried while talking about the sacrifices Insiders® make in life as if they are Seal Team 6 members. He talked about how Insiders® take showers with their phones pressed against the glass so they don't miss a text. 

I'm still laughing about this blathering nonsense that this drama queen uttered. Take a listen. 

Now, there's nothing wrong with working your ass off for an employer and the customer. But this belief that these guys are doing something admirable for society is one of the funniest things to come out of the communications field in my communications career. 

Woj literally waited for an agent or GM to text him so he could then turn that text into a tweet which was then turned into content for ESPN shows and radio network. That content would then be dissected and turned into profit. 

#thoughtsandprayers to Woj as he now moves into the next phase of life where he can ignore his phone. 

Speaking of work, this narc should feel real proud of herself

Jessica Guynn of USA Today published this piece that has people talking. 

"What do remote and hybrid workers do all day?" Guynn writes.

"They often brag about how productive they are with no gossipy colleagues to distract them or time wasted on long commutes.

"But a new survey is offering fresh insights into how remote workers really spend their time. Spoiler alert: It’s not all white papers and PowerPoint presentations."

I went back into Guynn's story archive and noticed that this narc is typically writing one, maybe two pieces MAX, each day of work. She's pumping out content like "Harris-Walz camo hat is having a moment. Could it be bigger than MAGA red?" and "A soda sip-off or an election? Tim Walz, JD Vance fight over the 'Mountain Dew Belt'." 

Maybe this is actually Guynn telling on herself. 

I have a hard time believing she's going into a USA Today office building to pump out "Welcome to the 'microfeminist' revolution: Women clap back at everyday sexism on TikTok" like she did in June. 

I'm not going to go all Adam Schefter here, but some of us actually put in MORE hours than our employers pay us for. Some of us aren't sitting there hammering out 800 words and calling it a day. 

I don't know about the rest of you work from home types, but I actually WORK/blog (I still have to pinch myself that I get to do this for a living) more hours than I would if I was in an office. 

How about you?

Email: joekinsey@gmail.com

'Take chances and do things while you're able'

- Duke writes: 

I'm back in St. Andrews, and although I can see the Old Course from my bedroom window, there will be no golf for me this week.

This trip is for my wife, and we are on a mission to see as many castles as is possible.   I've always come without her, as there was always time later for her to come, and other things seemed more pressing at the time. 

The reality was/is that time is limited.   

Old man advice, do the things you want to do, now. Time may not be as plentiful as you think.   

To offset the sobering aspects of the message, I've included a few pictures from last night and today.  

Keep the great content flowing.  


It's so good to hear from Duke. I don't know if it's divine Screencaps intervention, but over the last week, I've been thinking about the role he's played in this column over the last 12 months. The guy has been an incredible source of knowledge. 

I know that's vague and that's for good reason. 

What I can say is that I met Duke at one point this year, and he told me at the time that his wife was struggling with her health and he just wasn't sure what 2024 would bring.

While sobering to get this update, I'm incredibly happy that Duke and his wife get to share this time together in Scotland. 

He truly is one of the real good guys reading this column and I can't say thank you enough to the Dukes of the world who keep fueling me to keep hammering away with his column. 

Now go see those castles, chase the sunsets and find your healing waters. 

Speaking of Screencaps readers who have played a big role in Screencaps this year

- Charles K. in Colorado, who flew into Detroit and left town as part of the winning Two-Club Invitiational team with Beau in Toledo, writes: 

Mid-80s yesterday in the mile high city.   We saw wildlife respecting summer with us near the green and it was so warm they were seeking shade from the heat.   However, the leaves are starting to change colors and fall is around corner.   

I told those turkeys to sit tight because their time is coming but still a ways away. 

My question to you is ‘Do we respect summer for a few more days or weeks?'  

I’ll probably do it until the first freeze which is probably a few weeks away.   For you is it when you winterize your pool?   Or perhaps it is all in the eye of the beholder?  


That's a great question. Technically, I'll stop Respecting Summer this Sunday because it'll be the first day of Fall. I'll close the pool, but that doesn't mean it's time to make a giant Crock of chili. For me, it's best to ease into Fall. 

Honestly, it doesn't hit me that it's Fall until I hit the golf course in long pants, a Q-zip and the leaves are changing. Before that, I just see an extended summer. The average first frost around here is October 22, so there's another 30 days until we typically see things dying off. 

Road trip! Guys being Guys and taking chances like Duke told us to do

- Bear and the Philly Boys writes: 

Bear and the Philly boys are in Cape Cod for a long weekend hanging out with our Boston, Florida and Alabama Brothers. It's like the US version of the United Nations. Brothers coming together for a long weekend of drinking, eating, crushing edibles and some fishing. This is all we have for a bunch of 50 year old married dudes. This is our Christmas. 

Here is just a sample of some of the treats that the Philly boys show up with to feed the boys. Let the games(…)

[Ed. note: I think Bear meant to add, "let the games begin"]

Travel Ball Hardo Chris B. in Houston is enjoying hearing from all the A&M fans

- TBHCBiH writes: 

Man I’m enjoying all the Aggie love in screencaps! In case you might like these, I forgot a tray of bacon grease out on the patio bar and found this cute little dude enjoying it. 

Oktoberfest starts this Saturday! 

And finally this morning, Mike T. in Idaho would like to remind everyone that this Saturday is a huge day for beer. 

- Mike T. says: 

Saturday 9/21 is the official start of Oktoberfest! Three weeks of partying and celebrating the harvest!

I like to call it the start of Indian summer! My favorite time of year!


That's it for this Thursday in mid-September. This month is officially flying by. 

Go have a great day and take those chances like Duke and Mrs. Duke. Leave no regrets. 

Email: joekinsey@gmail.com

Numbers from :

Stuff You Guys Sent In & Stuff I Like : 

Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.