Rachel Stuhlmann Works On Her Pickleball Influencing, TNML's Next Great Influencer & Ryan Reaves Unloads

Listen, I knew Screencaps had a major footprint in Georgia, but I didn't realize we had this footprint in Georgia

On Thursday, I revealed that I've secured Tuesday Masters practice round tickets for myself and Canoe Kirk. My dad said he would be busy moving his boat inland and returning to Ohio. 

Mere minutes after making the big announcement in Thursday Screencaps, the emails started rolling in. One emailer is planning on making a 2 ½ hour drive to be the 4th in our Monday round outside Augusta. 

Retiree Wes, an Augusta local, offered to join us as well. Our tee time is at his home course. Wes made sure to tell us it's a BYOB course and even gave me a tip on where to buy a bottle of liquor just down the road from the course. 

Wes might end up golfing with us. If there are others who want to play, we can grab some more tee times and hold a mini Screencaps Scramble on April 8. Say the word. 

Then there's Augusta Anonymous (I've quickly learned that you need to just keep quiet on your Augusta sources) who offered up a special post-practice round drink experience at an Augusta institution that I won't reveal just yet. 

Stay quiet, head down, enjoy the experience, cherish it, DO NOT reveal your sources. 

I've had at least a dozen people who are based in Augusta who have offered up their help and suggestions for our 50-hour visit. 

To be honest, if I wanted to throw a Two-Club Invitational in Augusta, there would be enough Screencaps readers to make that happen. And I never fully comprehended it. I see the Georgia addresses for TNML stickers, but I never put dots on a map. 

We even have TNMLer Justin E. who offered Kirk and I a backyard Par 3 golf experience. Justin, his brother and his buddies mow Par 3s into their yards, and like the Masters, they take this very seriously. The yards are immaculate. There are legitimate tee boxes and legitimate wedge shots across yards. 

Now it's just a matter of making all this happen in early August. I can't wait. 

Email: joekinsey@gmail.com

• Augs writes: 

As a sports guy but non-golf guy the Masters is WAY up there on the bucket list... 

I can't believe that if you shamelessly pursue that while you are looking forward to Tue you would really like one Outkick's supporter to help you find an actual ticket for Thursday or Friday, someone comes through. 

Trade a Thursday Night Mowing League shirt each year for the next 25 years and you have to be in! You've got almost unlimited power...time to use it, LOL...


Full disclosure time: I'm paying face value for the Masters tickets and I've never asked anyone to find me a Masters ticket. I believe in the power of things have a way of working out. 

I've been asked why I don't just apply for a media pass to the event. 

Because I wouldn't get to experience it with Canoe Kirk or whomever I decided to take on the trip. Again, Screencaps works because I'm writing like a real human experiencing things that other real humans would like to experience. I'm not writing like I have a press badge around my neck thinking I'm some big shit elitist. 

Screencaps works if I'm playing backyard Par 3 courses in Justin E.'s neighborhood, not writing about the steak I had after sitting in the Masters media room for 10 hours watching coverage on a television and then sitting through press conferences with the golfers. 

You guys already read the work of Big Js sitting in the media room. You're here because you want the Backyard Par 3 shootout content and my reaction to walking the hallowed grounds of Augusta National.  

Now, if a reader wants me to experience post-practice round drinks at a special place, that's cool. Let's do it. 

• Mark W. in Franklin, TN writes: 

You have created an army of Screencaps adherents, and it’s about time to think about taking some of your events on the road. A springtime in the south two-club invitational would sell out in a minute. Screencaps nation would certainly support that, and you can schedule events around the best time of the year , weather-wise, and of course, mowing season.

There still needs to be a Tennessee whiskey trail tour. I can get the info to you about the tour, and I believe that would fill up quickly.


You guys tell me where a two-club invitational would work in the south. Remember, it needs to be sorta centralized to a city with amenities like hotels and the course can't take itself too seriously. 

Where am I taking the two-club next?

Email: joekinsey@gmail.com

Yes, I'm driving 8 hours today to visit the Philadelphia Flower Show

There's been a little needling around OutKick because I'm driving 8 hours to Philadelphia today after posting Screencaps, going to a flower show and then driving 8 hours back home on Sunday. 

A flower show?

Yes, a flower show. 

For your wife, right?

Absolutely, but this also fits right into the TNML culture we're building here. This is about taking pride in your property, one of the most important ethos of the Thursday Night Mowing League when its founding fathers founded the World's Best Mowing League®. 

The Save The Bees crowd screams that TNML is horrible for the pollinators. I just laugh. The TNML cares more about the bees than the Save The Bees lunatics. We just don't beat our chests so we can brag about it at some woke wine mixer. 

You're damn right I'm going to a flower show, which is considered one of the best in the world. 

  1. I like to have a strong marriage and Mrs. Screencaps is really into flowers
  2. Take one look at the content TNMLers send it. These people are five-toolers. They don't just mow. They garden, they grow flowers, they paint a picture with their properties. I have a duty to go report on what's new and what should be on their radars. 
  3. This trip IS #NOTSPONSORED. I'm not meeting up with any brands. You have my #NOTSPONSORED stamp of approval. If I say something at the event was cool, I'm not on that company's payroll. 

Those fighting the Culture Wars have been focusing on all the wrong things with this video of the sorority girls in Louisiana 

Folks, this is the next wave of American moms who'll have little Xanders & Xcellences who'll be on Team Louisiana with travel ball tournaments in Omaha, Denver, Phoenix, Vegas, Charlotte….and Cooperstown…and there's no way in hell Brittney here is gonna pony up the money to make all that happen. 

No sir. 

Her ass will be running squares pools, pick a date on the calendar, GoFundMes and whatever other travel ball panhandling exists in 15 years when the Xanders are 12. 

I'm so jealous I didn't make this mistake…I WILL NOT be outraged over an innocent fun editing error

• Bill C. jokes: 

Where's the FCC?

Didn't one of you in NE Pennsylvania tell me about this last summer?  

Reactions to my Gisele cheating post are still rolling in

Here's the post if you haven't read it. 

• Mike from Texas writes: 

My divorce took place back in 1996, 8 years after our wedding. I was going through chemotherapy at the time and my "best" friend came over to my house to check on me. I was still at the hospital getting my treatment. He struck a conversation with my wife (he was single) and every time I went to chemo, I found out he showed up at my house. 

After she filed for divorce, I saw his car at the house I bought with her. Yet I could not go in. They ended up getting married the following year -1997. And he unexpectedly died in 2012. 

• Chris writes: 

Your op-ed hit a nerve here. I live in a rural area in Maryland. My wife and I moved to the area before housing developments were built around a nearby small town ("Smart Growth", don'cha know). There were times when I wondered what it would have been like for our family if we had brought our kids up in a big neighborhood with lots of other kids, rather than a rural plot with two houses on either side of us. But we weren't moving, so it was a moot point. 

Well, thank God we stayed where we did. Some couples in one particular housing development decided that it was time to swing around their neighborhood post-kids with other like-minded couples. My wife caught wind of this from some folks in that neighborhood who were not participating in the nighttime reindeer games. 

She told me about it, and I was totally skeptical. And then she started hearing names, and it hit home: Some of the couples involved had kids who I had coached in the local youth sports association, and the parents had coached with me or helped out with my teams! The kids of the swingers were still in their single digits and early tweens when their parents decided to relive dorm life, so they grew up with that nonsense. 

A lot of those kids were really damaged by the consequences of their parents' activities (separations, estrangements, divorces), and of course hate their parents. A little strange can't be worth all that hurt.

No bigger oxymoron exists than the term "no-fault divorce". And anyone who thinks that boinking the next door neighbor is a lifestyle choice rather than a mortal sin is kidding themselves. Just ask the faithful spouse and the kids.

• Ridge Runner in TN, who has a legitimate writing background, writes: 

Joe, your Gisele column was epic, and the follow-up this morning is on the same level. As a writer and longtime columnist myself, I can recognize when somebody's in a zone. You, sir, are in a zone. "Cocksman," lol, my first editor used to use that term in a complimentary fashion.

Keep it up, it's a blast to read, and you've built a one-of-a-kind community of the real folks that make this country great.


That's a compliment I don't take lightly because Ridge has done a few things in the writing industry I didn't realize until three weeks ago. Again, I don't Google many of you unless I think there might be some indication that you've got more to tell me. Ridge gave me a hint recently and then I'm like, hell yeah, Ridge, you've had a career. 

• J doesn't like my Gisele post. She writes: 

Men seem to believe that the game of multiple partners belongs only to them.  Socially, it seems that they like to keep it that way. When they're found out - many times, their buddies give them the thumbs up. You find out that your female partner is helping herself to the same liberties and you have a melt down and they're all of a sudden a whore, bitch, slut, or user.  Hmmm, sounds to me like someone just got a taste of their own medicine.

A little ditty, I have a good friend who is married to a wealthy man. Yup- stay at home Mom after they had kids because he constantly traveled and not just locally. She has a great set of kids, a couple  beautiful homes, they occassionally travel. What she doesn't have is her own car, her own bank account, time with the man that she still loves or her own life. Her husband doles out what he feels appropriate. That is known as a "gilded cage."  The point of this story is that she thought that she was giving up all of her younger years to cater to her husband and kids and that now that they're both retirement age, they would actually have a life and time together...but he just keeps working when there is not monetary need. That's what I meant about were you ever on the same page together to understand the bargain. This is what sounds like led Tom and Gisele to their downfall. The boy toy was "likely" because she gave up on Tom ever fulfilling what she thought was the bargain they she thought that they struck. I doubt, they ever both had the same idea of the bargain.

Stob bitching about your stuff and start being responsible and choose wisely. If you can't be a mate aside from showing up with your part of a paycheck, then I'd recommend that you do exactly as you stated...get laid on the weekends on a fly by and don't wreck someone else's life because you can't really be a partner.

Much luck to you and the men who think similarly.

• SB in SC writes: 

I know a guy that got divorced and his payments to his wife were huge because of their income disparity.  She never reported her full income as she worked in a business that was largely cash based.  His lawyer told him that because they filed their taxes jointly that if he contested her income he would be admitting to tax fraud.  

VR Golf: What do I need?

• Screencaps Sheriff John, the raccoon eradicator, writes: 

I am not much of a regular golfer because all of my other hobbies demand a lot of time, but I'm intrigued by the idea of VR golf. Assuming that all I have is a giant television and plenty of room, what else do I need to get set up to play the VR games? Start from the very beginning and assume I don't have a console or anything. What would you recommend? 


Here's what I emailed back to John: 

At this point, you'd want to go with a MetaQuest3 headset. That's the starting point. Then you'd add the Golf+ game to the system. 

If you start digging the game, you'd want to get one of the 1/4 length golf sticks being sold on Amazon. The controller attaches to the end and acts as a weight, giving you the feel of an iron with a weight at the bottom. 

If you get that far, I will bring in suggestions from my buddies on battery packs to extend playing time. 

[Wednesday] night, my text group played a ready golf skins game at Wolf Creek in Mesquite, Nevada. Golf balls flying all over the place, four guys talking through their headsets, laughing, having a great time.

My Golf+ username is: SCREENCAPS

You guys are always welcome to email me if you're going to be playing. Let's set up some rounds. 

Diesel VRing while waiting on his car to be serviced…you can play this guy in Golf+

• Diesel texted: 

Ok it's official I'm a vr douchebag...I have 2 hours to kill at Vin Devers so I brought the vr and I am fishing in the showroom lol


Diesel swears the best VR fishing is in South Korea. He's addicted. For those of you coming to the Two-Club Invitational in August, remember this face. He'll be there. You can't miss him. 

It's Friday, let's laugh at the Canadian dick lake

• Harvey D. in Toledo writes: 

Google Earth is a blast in satellite mode! I found this gem on Manitoulin Island, Lake Huron. Burpee Ontario closest civilization to it! The ice cover made the shape! So I guess Mother Nature has a sophomoric sense of humor!  


And that's it for this Friday. The sun is shining and I have a long drive ahead of me, but it's for a great cause. 

I'm calling SeanJo out of the bullpen to handle Saturday Screencaps while I'm at the flower show. He was pumped to dump out some IGs he's had saved up. 

Have a great weekend. Go have fun. Go make memories. Go catch VR bass. Or real bass. Or walleye on the Maumee River. Spring has sprung. Enjoy. 

Email: joekinsey@gmail.com

Numbers from :

Stuff You Guys Sent In & Stuff I Like :

Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.