Rachel Stuhlmann Washes Ashore In The Bahamas To Play Pickleball, Roger Prepares The Script & A Casket Cooler!

Let's take your pulse for gambling on the NFL in 2024

The numbers are out and the American Gaming Association estimates $35 BILLION will be gambled on the NFL over the next six months. The AGA says that will be 30% growth over 2023. 

95% of the wagers will be made online. That's not shocking at all. 

Are you pumped up to gamble your ass off this season? Are you backing off? Have you given up on gambling on the NFL? Will you play a game here and there and show rather remarkable restraint? 

Are you a situational NFL gambler: Super Bowl, a fantasy league entry fee, maybe a Thanksgiving weekend bet just for fun? 

I think it's pretty clear that this column will never be a betting line column. I'm happy to report that I'm a situational NFL gambler who will buy a square on Super Bowl Sunday. I'll be in a money fantasy league. But I won't be throwing money at a mid-October NFL Sunday. 

I'll gladly spend that money golfing and sucking down some fresh air for 18 holes. That's my drug at this point in life. 

Email: joekinsey@gmail.com

Have you ever destroyed a hotel minibar as in drank it dry?

We're starting to get action on this one over on the Screencaps Facebook Group page. Go follow that page for the chance to connect with some of the characters around here. 

- Matt writes: 

I have not but on a Vegas March Madness trip my friend who I was sharing a room with at the Cosmo did. He showed up later in the day while we were all out having a nice steak dinner.

He hit the tables lost a bunch of money, got plastered and tore through that thing before passing out.

Yeah it was my credit card on file, and man that was some expensive snacking.

- Alan S. shares: 

Destroyed: Me & my groomsmen drank four of them completely dry - before the wedding ceremony (my beautiful bride was less than impressed with our consumption prowess)

Damage: $600 (in 1989 money, so about $2000 now)


The best I can do is a story from back in 2016 after ESPN's ESPYs party where I ended up in a downtown Los Angeles suite with a buddy of mine. We were invited to DESTROY the suite minibar by a major national brand rep who hosted a small gathering. Drink everything, was the order. 

By about 4 a.m., we had drank everything. The M&Ms were gone. Almonds? Gone. Mini wine bottles? Gone. High-end liquor? Gone. We're not talking a college dorm fridge. It was a basement bar fridge. One of those taller fridges LOADED with drinks. 

All I could think of is that this was as close to a Led Zeppelin moment as I'd ever get. I'm still not sure how the LAPD wasn't called on the party. 

Do you have a story of destroying a hotel minibar? Share it. 

Email: joekinsey@gmail.com

Home field advantage?

- Nate asks: 

Do you think the "home field advantage" in sports is a real thing, or just an overinflated myth?


Texas A&M, who's believed to have one of the best home-field advantages in sports, has lost SIX times at home when College GameDay visits after Saturday's game against Notre Dame. 


Of course home field is a real thing, but you have to specify which sport you're talking about. 

Sports Illustrated put together this trend line earlier this year to show you how home field in the NFL compares to home field in Major League Baseball. 

In college football, especially this season, I would say that home field is definitely a thing when you have quarterbacks trying to hear play calls in their headsets. Did you see USC's quarterback struggle with his headset Sunday night against LSU? 

Yes, USC won, but you can't tell me Lincoln Riley wouldn't have rather played that game at the Coliseum. Wait until Ohio State goes to Oregon and Will Howard has to listen to that headset. Have you ever been to a game at Autzen? 

It's in a bowl and incredibly loud. Ryan Day would 100% rather play that game at home. 

Just when San Francisco was starting to look OK to a Screencaps reader, a 49ers WR gets shot in the chest in Union Square

- NR wrote last week: 

Speaking of the Bay Area, been to a couple of ball games in Oakland and SF this year when the Dodgers came to town.  Although the area around Oakland makes me want to have my CCW handy, SF wasn’t that bad, not bad at all.  Not sure what the city has been doing lately, but I was down there for a meeting recently and had to walk about 8 blocks.  I was shocked!  I didn’t see any homeless camps, where I was at.  

I also noticed that walking to the Giants stadium back in June was pretty drama free and we didn’t have any issues.  So credit to SF for trying to cleanup some of their streets!  

BUT, in general that doesn’t mean I am going to go find any healing waters there soon.  

Go to Monterey, Carmel, or even a little more north to Bodega Bay!  Those places are truly healing.  My best memory of last year is parking the camp trailer at Doran Beach in Bodega Bay and just sitting.  It was about as healing as a midnight massage in Chinatown!

On Tuesday, I heard from NR, who wrote back: 

Hey Joe, sorry about my last email…I take it all back about San Franscisco, it sucks out loud.

Took my kids in for tetanus shots and a run through a full body decontamination scrub after we got out of there!!

Bud Light is reportedly gone from the Naperville, IL Costco

- Mike N. writes: 

Does anyone else not see what I don’t see? Gone!

3-day Christmas trip with 8 adults and two toddlers idea for Mig that has to be 4 hours from Columbus, OH (MAX!)

- Michael J. in Chiraq writes: 

Abe Martin Lodge

(812) 988-4418


Might I recommend visiting Brown County in Indiana.  It looks beautiful with snow.  Has a small indoor Waterpark. Nice quint town to visit with restaurants and bars. 3 1/2 hours from Columbus. 

The doctor's office couldn't wait

- Lee D. in Tampa reports: 

At a doctor’s office for a test. 

Summer doesn't end until September 22

- Guy G. in western NY is doing his part: 

Summer ends when we say it ends. Our kids are small still, and we are homeschooling, so it’s not over till there is snow on the ground. Even when we wake up to 43* like we did today. 

Big party weekend for us this Labor Day. Here are the 46 halves we cooked for our people. Normally the big boy smoker comes out, but with the rough year we’ve had, we slowed it down. 

Kidneys are improving, and an end to dialysis is in sight! 

Are you eating more sausage than more expensive meats?

I posted a report from Fox Business on Tuesday that showed more and more Americans are eating sausage to save money. 

- Mike T. in Idaho reports: 

You asked if we are eating more sausage with high beef prices, yes, but we’re eating a lot more Shrimp!

Fred Myers, the local Kroger has XL zipper Shrimp," Buy one get one free "
That means for $16 you get 4 pounds of frozen jumbo shrimp! By my math that’s $4 a pound for 21-28 jumbo shrimps.

Now you can do your Bbq shrimp, shrimp gumbo, sauté shrimp ect…


What a loaded edition of Screencaps. You can just feel the energy as we get so close to the NFL season. Last night, I had an OutKick fantasy football draft. Yahoo says I have a D+ team. We'll see about that. 

Tonight, I have a fantasy football draft against some heavy hitters. I need to be focused big time entering this one. These guys are out for blood. 

Until then, let's soak up this summer Wednesday. It's going to be 80 degrees. It's beautiful. It still hasn't rained much in a month. The drought is intensifying. It's brutal out here. 

But, we're going to push forward. Go have an incredible day. 

Email: joekinsey@gmail.com

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Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.