Rachel Stuhlmann Returns To Her Tennis Roots By Smashing Serves, Election Coverage To NFL Primetime & Meat!
Screencaps readers share their feelings after a busy week for America
Yes, I know it's only Thursday. It feels like Friday, which means I'm going to be a disaster by tomorrow at 4 p.m.
- Frank in Wethersfield, CT checks in:
You were spot on. I voted Trump in 2016, 2020, and yesterday -- well actually I voted early because I would be traveling, returning on election day and wanted to be sure my vote was IN.
For me it was the economy, immigration, woke bullshit, and the fact that Harris has no intellect. Not that I would have voted D in any circumstance....
In 2016, I worked in a hotbed of liberalism. All day libtard heads were exploding, and folks were moping. It was a chilly day and I was warmed by the inside smile of Trump winning. Today, same thing. I work remote for a different company but living and working in CT there's a lot of libtards.
I just want to say "MAGA bitches!" but I can't.
Hopefully my 401K blossoms again....
- Greg E. answers John from SD's question about Alyssa Milano's career:
Yes, Alyssa Milano's career has been mostly forgettable aside from the two TV shows, but how could he overlook her "star" turn as Schwarzenegger's daughter in Commando?
Alyssa is big at the Comic Con conventions where she signs autographs for the woke maniacs and 1980s vintage TV fanatics.
- Jim T. in San Diego emails:
Biggest turning points in the campaign:
- Anointing Harris as Biden’s replacement on the ticket without a contested convention
- The View interview you mentioned
- The non-stop Hitler comparisons
- Harris’ refusal to condemn anti-Semitism on campuses
- Harris announcing just a week or so ago that she’d force Catholic hospitals to perform abortions
To alienate wide swaths of Jewish and Catholic voters, wholly unprovoked, was such an amateur move. But here in California, we remember Harris never had to run a truly contested campaign. She was mentored by former state Assembly speaker Willie Brown, who cleared the way for her to run for DA in San Francisco, then state attorney general, the senator. Each time, other, better-known Democrats were quietly told to withdraw from the primary – where these races are decided here.
Never having had to fight for her political life before, she was unprepared to do so on short notice this time. (This is a perfect example of why helicopter parenting hurts our kids – it doesn’t teach them how to stand on their own two feet.)
As even The Washington Post summarized in an election sidebar this morning, Trump has done nothing but come back (often from self-inflicted defeats) his whole career - Trump’s presidential win is his greatest resurrection yet - The Washington Post
I do feel it was a win for free speech – as much as Trump calls the media the "enemy of the people" he’s never sicced the Justice Department on them, or tried to have reporters or editors banned from social media.
- Kirk in Duluth, MN emails:
In what's left of Joe & Kamala's America thank God for America things will change. Local KFC disrespecting the late great Colonel Sanders by putting the handicap parking sign over his face.

Hopefully, this type of disrespect changes in 2025. Be better, KFC.
- Mike in Naperville, IL spotted this:
They called IL for Harris after 1% of precincts reported and only won Illinois by 220k…

- Bo T. in MI tells me:
Joe, thanks again for creating a community for average (and some not so) Americans to come together. After 4 years this column (?) has become part of my ritual, after workout and before whatever it is I feel like tackling (semi-retired so being old starting to pay off a little).
The yard sign comment really raised a question in my mind..why in the hell would you ever let somebody else know what you’re thinking before they ask? Same for bumper stickers..just bad form.
Stayed up till about 2am watching MSLSD election coverage just to see the progression of emotional breakdown in mentally weak people. Slept 4 hours, got the wife to the airport, and declared today a holiday..America Day! Now some people might say "Bo, you don’t have the power to declare a holiday"..the hell I don’t! God looks out for drunks, fools, and the USA.
I thoroughly enjoyed a day of schadenfreude (only one day allowed), cleaned guns, drank beer, and grilled monster ribeyes. Tomorrow it’s back to paying attention to the people that wish our country and Constitution ill.
Thanks to all in SC nation who voted (regardless of choice) but I’m damn glad Trump won. God Bless America.

- Clay W. emails:
Wow. What great real estate deals will be coming in Hollywood as all other the "celebrity" endorsers prepare to leave the country with the Trump win. They promised to go but dont hold your breath. The other countries dont want them either so good luck getting a visa.
How do these shows even exist in 2024?
I have to start this morning by addressing the weeping mess that is Jimmy Kimmel. It never even crossed my mind to watch his late-night show last night because there's no way in hell I can stay up until 11:30 ET on a Wednesday night…AND…I cannot remember the last time I thought, hmm, let's see what Jimmy Kimmel has to say about the world.
Look at how the guy who used to host "The Man Show" reacted to the election. We knew it was coming, but at some point, you'd think Kimmel would look in the mirror and know that Johnny Carson is laughing his ass off at these woke losers doing late night.
Either Jimmy is trapped in a marriage where his wife insists he act like this or he has CTE from some Man Show bit. Those are the only two explanations here.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com
Let's go to Oberlin, OH where a lady once looked right at Mrs. Screencaps at a cafe and told us our Goldendoodle would make for a nice rug when the dog died someday
True story.
For those of you who don't know, Oberlin is where the wokest of the coastal elite wokes send their kids. I'm talking the wokest maniacs in the game.
On Wednesday, the school had a safe space for students to process the election results. And at least one professor declared that she couldn't go forward in life and would need to take a day off.
Have you ever loved your neighbor more because you saw a ‘[Heart] Your Neighbor’ yard sign?
- Jess in AL is all over this one:
Lots of thoughts lately, but just sharing one-
We don’t do yard signs, but I’ve thought for a while it would be pretty funny to custom paint a "Hate has a home here" in a cutesy way (like the "Fall Y’all" signs) and put it in your yard for those neighbors who have all the political/social justice signs. Maybe not if you live in Seattle, though….
Thanks for everything!
- Doug in Johnson City, TN says:
Nothing will cause me to "hate" more than being told I should "love".
I’m a contrarian like that. You can call me the HAPPY CURMUDGEON.
I’ll add that yard signs do have an effect on my voting. If I see a Harris sign, I’m looking closely at all the other names that I’m NOT voting for.
What in the North Korea is going on here?
This popped up on my Facebook radar since I follow Dayton media outlets. The reporter didn't ask the city what would happen if they caught taxpayers not putting cardboard into the recycling bin.
One of you has to live in an insane woke city where there's some sort of fine for not recycling. Please share how these North Koreans are treating you.
Yes, I'm very aware of the recycling scam and the plastics industry. Didn't I just see something about this on PBS Front Line where the libs were screaming that recycling is a scam?
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com
The Great Gravy Debate!
- Ben from the Johnson City gang wanted in on this one:
Your beckoning for gravy talk has me all nine kinds of hungry this morning. Here’s my take on real gravy. A lot of southerners will tell you nothing beats sawmill gravy (traced to the lumber yards of the south back in the 1800s). Nope… That stuff is thinner than tap water and doesn’t compare.
The real hotspot for gravy originates in the hills where Kentucky, West Virginia, and Virginia shake hands. It can be traced to the hard-working coal miners and their families that often numbered anywhere from 10 to 14 children. A lot of mouths had to be fed. That’s where I’m originally from. Growing up there, breakfast wasn’t just a meal. It was a full-on Appalachian experience that had to get hard workers through the day. There was no breakfast without gravy. In fact, seldom did a meal pass by that there wasn’t gravy. It was cheap, plentiful, filling and damn delicious.
Call it a hillbilly’s nectar of the gods. The three keys are lard, cast iron and the gravy’s consistency. Lard is basically pork fat – and gravy’s main ingredient. While still important (as you’ll see), don’t listen to anyone who says bacon grease or sausage grease is the key.
My mom’s magic always started with a cast iron skillet of bacon, sausage, or pork chops sizzling away, filling the kitchen with a scent I can still imagine when I close my eyes. The drippings? Those didn’t go to waste. No, those were golden. They’d be met with a big ass dollop of lard. Then she’d scoop in the flour, whisking it into those drippings and lard with the precision of an artist, then add a bit of butter (if we had it) and enough black pepper to make your nose twitch a bit.
She never went by a recipe. It was the consistency. If the gravy is "right" when you dish it out, at least a third of what you dipped out of it sticks to your spoon. Should be too thick to pour. Gravy prepared the right way is a damn near spiritual experience.
The perfect breakfast is a cathead biscuit, open faced and topped with two fried eggs (over easy) and then smothered in that good ol’ gravy.
And in a related story, the woman, whom I’m related to by marriage, and I will be having breakfast for dinner tonight – thanks!

- Jerrod says his house is where the best gravy comes from and he walks us through his cooking methods:
Screencaps! is a national treasure that I visit almost daily for light-hearted laughs, common sense narrative and general escape from the woke media agenda. Keep up the good work (and Mikayla Demaiter content).
In Southwest Missouri, and particularly within my family, biscuits and gravy are a staple. So much so that my brother required his fiance (from South Texas) to successfully make gravy from scratch before he would marry her (she did and they've been happily married for 20+ years).
It's one of the foods I would frequent regardless of if I were a billionaire or living on food stamps. Gravy can be the best thing you've ever tasted, or one of the worst. I've yet to find any restaurant gravy that comes close to what I can make at home, and it's not for lack of trying.
I've drawn the conclusion that perfection is only possible in small batches - you can't make it for the masses and retain the same level of quality. 'TV in Birmingham' is half-right. Bacon grease is essential, but so are sausage crumbles. There are some key considerations in crafting the perfect batch.
Use a quality, lean sausage -the grease should come from bacon, not the sausage. Use a stainless steel or cast iron pan - never non-stick. You need something you can scrape aggressively. Brown the sausage so that it chars and begins to stick to the pan. Add salt, pepper, bacon grease and flour, then stir. Allow the flour to brown slightly before adding milk.
With a fork, scrape the pan in small circular patterns (wax on/wax off) breaking up and blending the char into the mixture.
Stir/scrape constantly until the gravy thickens -do not let a film build up on the bottom of the pan.
Full disclosure: I'm putting this recipe strictly on breakfast foods -biscuits, eggs and hashbrowns. I don't particularly care for white gravy on mashed potatoes, fried chicken or other meats. Brown gravy, turkey gravy, etc. are better suited for those purposes.
- R.A. in WV sent a link where the Washington Post claims sausage gravy originated in Southern Appalachia:
Biscuits and gravy in some form may go back as early as the Revolutionary War, but many food writers and culinary historians position its birthplace in Southern Appalachia in the late 1800s. Lumber was one of the main industries of the region, which supports the origin story that sausage gravy was also called sawmill gravy. It was the ideal cheap and calorie-dense fuel for sawmill workers lifting heavy logs all day long, and the perfect tool for making the era’s biscuits more palatable.
Older Gen X has advice for those who claim they cannot afford to buy a house
- Otis in Mobile has some tough love to dispense on this Thursday morning:
I just have to say it. This whole "I cannot buy a house because of____________" is just a crock. It's just another ploy by the entitled generation of why they cannot do what they feel like they should be able to do with minimal or no effort. I am older Gen X and during my life I have bought and lived in 7 different houses. I am not talking about buying cheap places to operate like a slumlord, I have actually lived in these places.
Yes your parents did it, and yes it was cheaper then, but the same rules still apply, and most of them people are not willing to do but will get on social media and bitch about the unfairness of it all. If you are reading this and want to buy a house, here are a few rules to start.
1. Stop with Starbucks or whatever brand of coffee you wait in line for 20 minutes to buy. You should make your own coffee or at most go to the local gas station and get a delicious cup of Community Coffee for $1.50. This is actually a metaphor for all conveniences. You can make food at home much cheaper than the ready-made meals at Publix or Fresh Market, not to mention eating every meal from a restaurant. If you are a novice at cooking I recommend finding the show "Struggle Meals" and watching every episode. It is the best show out there for eating on a budget, it should be required viewing for every college student.
2. If you want to buy a home, you are NOT going to be able to accomplish this with living in as nice an apartment as you might like, or driving as nice a car as you would like. Same with Iphones, televisions, etc. Seriously, your Iphone 13 does the same things an Iphone 15 will. Do NOT impulse buy. If you see something you want, wait 24 hours to buy it. Chances are your priorities will come back in proper order.
3. Stop buying retail, especially clothes. Check out your local Ross, Marshall's etc. for clothes as well as household goods. Also, thrift stores have amazing bargains if you are willing to sort through them. No one knows where that Nicole Miller shirt comes from, they only know if it looks good on you.
4. When targeting a house, the budget should be no more than twice your salary. That is where you need to start looking. You may end up paying a little more for the perfect place, but if your salary is $100K you should not be looking at $400k houses. If these houses are not available where you live, you need to either think about moving or continue to save and watch as the market fluctuates to affordable options
5. Start saving. 10% a month minimum. This needs to either go directly into savings OR short term into paying off debt to get your credit score up. Pay off all your debt and stop buying things on credit cards unless you are paying them off every month to get points. Credit Score is key in buying a house.
6. Get to know the housing market. Like seriously research it, and this is literally going to take months to get yourself to a point where you understand it. You need to be able to identify a great deal almost immediately and be ready to act on it as soon as you see it. If you implement all the above into your life you will have the funds, credit score, and knowledge to make this happen.
7. This is going to take time. Stop worrying about instant gratification. If you know the market you will be able to buy a place that you like and watch as it becomes a great investment.
The point is that most of the people that say they cannot buy a house actually can, they are just not willing to make the sacrifices needed to do it.
I really hope you put this on Screencaps, because I am sure the other readers have more great ideas I did not mention here.
That should be more than enough topics to get your day rolling. What else is going on out in the world? Are you fishing? Building onto your house? Building a man cave? My Masters flag frame came in last night. More on that later.
Let me know what you're working on. Projects.
Go have a great day.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com