Purple-Haired Democratic Congresswoman Melts Down Over The Spending Bill

Tensions are running HIGH right now in Washington D.C. over this stupid spending bill. 

Now, don't ask me why. I literally have no clue. Not even a tiny one. Gun to my head, I couldn't tell you one thing about it. I had to Google "spending bill" just to make sure that was the right lingo. 

Don't know how it works, why we need it, who it benefits, etc … I assume the Libs are up to something nefarious, because that's how they operate, but other than that? It ain't my wheelhouse. 

What is, however, my wheelhouse is insane-looking Democratic congresswomen who rock the internet on an otherwise slow Friday morning. 

So, when someone named Rosa DeLauro goes on a 90-second rampage over the Republicans and "President Musk," and she looks like this while doing so, I simply have no choice but to blog about it:

What's going on? No idea, but Rosa is pissed

Amazing. Simply amazing. He's right – I can't believe she exists, either. But then I realized she was from insanely liberal Connecticut, and it started to make a bit more sense. 

Boy, she is PISSED. Hell, everyone is pissed right now. Everyone is freaking out and pointing fingers and saying how awful the Big Rs are for shutting down the government. 

You know what? I would love the government to be shut down. That sounds awesome. Why would anyone complain about that? The government sucks. They're truly the worst. I want them out of the way ASAP. Two weeks without Big Brother sticking their nose in everything? Sign me up!

(Again, no clue how it works. None)

Anyway, back to wacky Rosa here …

She's following the latest Democratic memo to a tee. Oh, what's the memo, you ask? It's obvious, isn't it? They're trying to bait Donald Trump into doing/saying something stupid by calling Elon the president. 

They want to divide the Trump/Musk alliance before it really starts to take them down, and they're doing so by creating this faux dick-measuring contest between the two. 

Knowing Trump, it'll probably work. I've seen this movie before. But, maybe he's different now? No idea, but I can't wait to see how it all shakes out. 

OK, let's head to the comments section to see how everyone is handling Rosa on the way out. 

Happy Friday!

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.