Punches Thrown, Crutches Used In Wild Fight From LA's Santee Alley

Just what we need on a Friday afternoon. Video of a wild fight taking place in Los Angeles' Santee Alley, which is located in the city's Fashion District.

The fight took place on Sunday and it has everything. People throwing fists, crutches being used as weapons, and even a trash can getting thrown into the mix for good measure.

According to Karissa Nachor, who took the video, the fight started after a confrontation between her boyfriend, who is on crutches, and another man.

Security didn't do anything and that's when all hell broke out

Nachor told FOX 11, she and a group of about two dozen people were visiting Santee Alley last Sunday. As they were standing outside of one of the stores a man approached her and her boyfriend pushing a cart.

She says the man "aggressively" asked them to move before calling her boyfriend a racial slur. There was apparently some sort of verbal confrontation that caused security to be called.

According to Nachor, security didn't do anything and that's when all hell broke out. Things turned physical when the man pushed her boyfriend and attempted to steal his crutches.

The LAPD was called to the scene, but it's unclear if any arrests were made

In the video you can see the wild fight that took place after things initially turned physical. At one point a trash can gets introduced, along with various other objects. The stars of the show, however, are the crutches and the people swinging them looking to do real damage.

Security eventually got control of the situation by deploying pepper spray on the crowd. The LAPD was called to the scene, but it's unclear if any arrests were made.

Given that it's Los Angeles, and they're pretty much letting anything go at this point, I highly doubt any arrests or charges will be made.

You can spend your Sunday afternoon throwing down in a busy market with crutches and trash cans and not even sniff the backseat of a cop car.

Sound like utopia? Yeah, not my kind of utopia... It makes for a wild viral video, but I'm not sure how well a society functions in this kind of chaos.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.