Professional Pickleballer Tara Bernstein Hits The Pool, Yankee Stadium Trump Banner & Jena Sims In The Ocean

Twenty-five hours. That's it. 

Got the lawn trimmed down yesterday, golf clubs polished, full log of Rogues already in the car. Hell, I basically emptied the beer aisle at the Walmart this morning. We're ready to rock and roll, baby. Let's finish strong. 

On that note, welcome to a Thursday Nightcaps – where I try like hell to pay attention before going on a beach vacation with Brooks Koepka and Jena Sims. 

Fine. I don't think they'll be there, which is a bummer because Jena looks like she's having a ball! Sad. You'll see. 

What else? We've got Gen-Zers just now discovering the power of nicotine, a golf bro in Iowa sending up a flare, and we welcome newcomer Tara Bernstein to class straight from the pickleball courts. 

Tara has made brief cameos on OutKick before – she's currently engaged to Guy Fieri's oldest son – but never to Nightcaps. That changes today, of course. She's primed for a big summer, and we're gonna get ahead of the trends in today's class. 

Let's roll. 

Grab you a drink, then grab another just in case you run out before the bell rings, and settle in for a Temple of Doom Thursday 'Cap!

Temple of Doom was released 40 years ago today

Didn't see that twist coming, did you? We zig, they zag. Don't you forget it. 

I didn't plan to bring Indy to class today, but I was on the toilet just a bit ago scrolling mindlessly through Twitter and came across this little bombshell:

So, that tweet is half-right. Obviously, Joe here has the order wayyyyyy wrong. Come on, dude. Don't patronize us. 

Everyone knows Temple of Doom is second only to Last Crusade! That's right, I said. Hell, I've said it before in this class, but it bears repeating …

  1. Last Crusade (also on the Mount Rushmore of movies in general)
  2. Temple (got a little dark, but that's OK)
  3. Raiders (doesn't hold up as well as you think)
  4. Dial of Destiny (the last 30 minutes sucked ass, but it didn't have aliens)
  5. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (and this is being generous)

Pickleballer Tara Bernstein is ready for summer

Honestly, Kingdom isn't even that awful, but I can't get over the one Russian chick who just drops the worst quotes of all time throughout the movie. She's intolerable. Ruins the whole thing for me. 

Anyway, I'll never, ever pass on the opportunity to talk some Indiana Jones around here. I'm glad it's over, because the last two brought us all through some choppy waters, but I'm also sad it's over. 

Remember, a bad Indy movie is still better than a "good" anything else!

OK, from the AMC to the courts, let's check in – and welcome! – professional pickleballer Tara Bernstein to class. Tara, a former softball player and Mets social media content creator, is currently engaged to Hunter Fieri and a Franklin-sponsored pickleball athlete. 

She also has her pool uniform ready to rock and roll just in time for summer. Me too, Tara!

Friendly reminder that we are 92 days away from college football season

Welcome to class, Tara! I'm not much of a picklerballer myself, but I assume that's only because I'm 31. Give me 20 years, and I'll be gripping & ripping it out on the courts like you wouldn't believe. 

Until then, I'll continue to just be awful at golf, run a few times a week to convince myself I'm staying in shape, and watch real athletes dominate on the TV. 

Speaking of that … don't look now, but we're just over 90 days away from Week 0 in the college football season. That's right, baby! Ninety-two days away from Florida State and Georgia Tech kicking things off over in Dublin. 

Can you believe it? God, we're so close, but also, not really. We're gonna have to grind our asses off this summer and push through. You up for it? Of course you are. 

Here's Herbie to give you all the feels on this Memorial Day Thursday:

Trump in New York, golf is life & Zyns 

I know I work for FOX, and we have Big Noon Kickoff – which I love, by the way – but I respect the hell out of Kirk Herbstreit. Love this dude. 

OK, let's wipe away the tears and rapid-fire this rather quick class (you're welcome!) into a big Thursday night. 

First up? Big day for Trump today in New York, and Yankees fans are READY for him!

How much longer until we get a shirt with Trump's and Scottie's mugs on it? Hell, it's probably already out there, somewhere. 

I tried to order one of those Scottie's shirt for vacation next week, but it wasn't gonna be here in near enough time. Sold the hell out in like two hours. 

God, I love this country. 

Next? Speaking of golf …

You know what? I'm all in on this kid. Besides my daughter and my wife, I'm pretty sure the only thing I'd really be devastated about losing in a tornado or fire or whatever, would be my golf clubs. 

Talk about an absolute kick to the nuts that would be. Let's get this kid back on the course, stat!

And make sure you load him up with Zyns while you're at it!

Jena Sims and Brooks Koepka take us into a big night

From the NY Post:

People looking to shed pounds fast have turned to a cheap new craze that doctors are sounding the alarm against. Called ‘gas station Ozempic,’ influencers are now using ZYN nicotine pouches to help suppress their appetites and lose weight, saying the inexpensive buy — which runs about $5 at a convenience store — is a far better deal than popular semaglutide weight loss drugs, which can cost thousands of dollars.

What am I missing here? Did Gen-Z not realize before that nicotine was an appetite suppressant? I mean, duh. Why do you think all the hippies on campus ripping darts are 90 pounds? Because THEY RIP DARTS. Same with Zyns, Rogues and Velos

Now, I'll warn you, they don't always work. Frankly, I have one in right now, and I'm still fat and hungry. But I've also dipped for 20 years, so I reckon my stomach's just used to it at this point. You'll get there, too. 

And that's OK. 

Brooksie knows a thing or two about ripping Zyns on the course – and, I'd imagine, the beach. 

Take us home, big guy.

OutKick Nightcaps is a daily column set to run Monday through Friday at 4 p.m. (roughly, we’re not robots).

Do you leave the house with a nicotine sucker? Email me at  

Written by
Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.