Political Group Gets Personal With New Ad Targeting 'The Real Herschel Walker'

Former Heisman-winning college running back Herschel Walker is campaigning as the Republican pick for Georgia's U.S. Senate seat currently held by Democratic senator Raphael Warnock.

Targeting Walker's campaign is The Republican Accountability PAC, an anti-GOP political group, which released a new ad against Walker, using prior accusations of domestic abuse by ex-wife Cindy Angelis Grossman as its focus.


The ad campaign, released on Monday, was titled "The Real Herschel Walker" and showcased split footage of Walker's highlights from his days as a Georgia Bulldog before shifting its focus to Grossman's damning allegations.

"His eyes would become very evil," Grossman shared in the ad as interview footage from her testimony regarding claims of domestic abuse was displayed. "The guns and knives. I got into a few choking things with him."

The interview footage continued.

"The first time he held the gun to my head, he held the gun to my temple and said he was gonna blow my brains out."

Walker married Grossman in 1983, and the two divorced in 2002, as relayed by the New York Post.

The Republican Accountability PAC reportedly spent $1 million in funds to let the ad run in Georgia.

The 30-second ad ended with a Republican Voters Against Walker card. Walker has been criticized by political opponents for both the allegations made by Grossman and for Walker's association with former president Donald Trump's Save America initiative.

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Alejandro Avila is a longtime writer at OutKick - living in Southern California.

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