Poker Champ Daniel Weinman Shares Wild Story About Donald Trump Cheating On The Golf Course
Former President Donald Trump spends quite a bit of time on the golf course, how legitimate his game and scores are are up for debate, however. A recent story shared by poker world champion Daniel Wienman, who recently teed it up with Trump, only adds to the speculation surrounding the 45th President.
As it would be for anyone, Weinman admitted that playing golf with Trump was "one of the most interesting experiences of my life" before going into detail about how there was some "bending of the rules" afoot.
“Probably my favorite was we had six people in our group. Everyone was a scratch golfer. Trump is not a bad golfer, I would say he probably has a high, single-digit handicap," Weinman told Poker Go.
“On the first hole we played, we all teed off and by the time we all got up to the bridleway, he was 80 yards ahead of everybody. So we think there was a caddy, in the fairway, who may have done some ball manipulation.”

Donald Trump 'bent the rules' during a recent round of golf with poker champ Daniel Weinman. (Photo by Rob Carr/Getty Images)
As Weinman alluded to, Trump is a solid golfer, but he's also 77 years old, so to suggest he outdrove all five of his playing partners by 80 yards is practically impossible unless all five are brutally bad.
This is now the second-straight week Trump has made headlines with his golf game, and neither story has exactly been positive.
The former President was caught shanking an approach shot into a green during a round at Trump National in Los Angeles.
However, when your name is on the sign outside of the clubhouse, it's safe to say those shanks don't bother you as much.