Plus-Size Travel Influencer Is Big Mad (Big, Big Mad) That An Airport Worker Wouldn't Push Her In A Wheelchair

A plus-size travel influencer (which is a real thing) is very upset that a worker at the Seattle–Tacoma International Airport wouldn't push her in a wheelchair, leaving her huffing and puffing up the jet bridge.

Some would consider this a wake-up call, but not Jaelynn Chaney. She demands that some poor sap has to throw their back out pushing her up off the plane and into the terminal.

Chaney outlined the harrowing incident on TikTok.

"My ordeal at SeaTac Airport will shock you," Chaney's video begins.

I'm sure it will, just maybe not the way you think.

Chaney — who Daily Mail notes can walk — said she requested a wheelchair as she is wont to do. She said that when the wheelchair assistant saw that she was going to have to push such a large passenger, Chaney claimed that the woman walked away muttering comments about her.

I'd be willing to bet one was, "They don't pay me nearly enough for this s--t…"

So, what was Chaney to do? Stay on the plane forever? No, to her credit she tried to walk off the plane, she says that making it up the jetway was one hell of an ordeal.

"I was then forced to walk up one of the longest jet bridges," she said, an arduous journey that left her lips white, on the verge of fainting, and gasping for air (just weeks after traveling without an oxygen tank for the first time in four years… no, seriously. 

The idea of telling a horror story about "the longest jet bridge" is objectively hilarious. Even the longest jet bridge on the planet is still a short walk. 

It's like celebrating someone for being the "tallest jockey." Congrats, you're still short.

Chaney said that by assuming she could walk the employee had discriminated against her, but remember she can walk. The employee assumed right, and now Chaney's upset that she's in such terrible shape she almost passed out walking on a slight incline.

Let's assume this is exactly what happened. Instead of crying victim and trying to get an airport employee fired, how about using it for good and starting hitting the elliptical and eating better?

Sometimes a little shame does some good. People seem to have forgotten that in recent years.

Now, if you'll excuse me, this story made me want to go to the gym and eat a head of iceberg lettuce for dinner…

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.