Plot Twist: KKK's David Duke Joins Woke College Students In Anti-Israel Movement

In a wild twist nobody saw coming because they didn't know he was alive, crypt keeper former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke is back from the dead and firmly in agreement with college wokes in their hatred for Israel.

The 73-year-old Duke, who ran as a Democrat in the 1980 Presidential campaign, was in Detroit Friday for a big rally held by white nationalist Nick Fuentes. "I support Nick and all his work … and all the people who are working to save our country and save us from Jewish supremacism. We’re being genocided just like the Palestinians," Duke told political "undercover" journalist Cam Higby while at the event. 

"I consider him a comrade in the fight for our people," Duke added when asked if he was friends with Fuentes. 

For those keeping track at home, you now have the Columbia University wokes, the UCLA wokes, USC wokes, etc. now working towards the same goal with the KKK's big dog who wrote about Jews in his 1998 autobiography My Awakening. 

"In modern America, Jews lead the effort to de-Christianize America. ... They share little of the heritage of the Old Testament people called the Israelites. … Communism and Zionism were born from the same Jewish soul. ... Jewish power is ubiquitous. ... It is not a [Jewish] conspiracy. It is simply two nations — Jew and Gentile — in a state of ethnic war," Duke states in the book. 

In 2005, he had more to say to a Syrian TV station. 

"Israel makes the Nazi state look very, very moderate," Duke was quoted as saying, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

All I'm asking for here is for the boys to include a blue-haired lesbian in one of these round-tables. Let's see how the lesbians, maybe a black lesbian who hates Israel, would do with Duke at the table. 

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Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.