PETA, once again, has proven to be an absolute clown show with its Thanksgiving message. PETA is one of the most easily draggable organizations on the planet because it seems to think animals and humans are equal. We are not! Humans are the true apex predator, and everything in the animal kingdom is fair game for dinner as far as I'm concerned. Other than pets. That's obviously never allowed, but I digress. How did PETA choose to celebrate Thanksgiving? By tweeting a picture of turkeys getting ready to eat a cooked human with the caption, "We’re lucky turkeys would never do this to us—you don’t have to do it to them, either." Wrong, PETA. We do have to do it to them because we're at the top of the food chain and turkey with gravy is awesome. PETA quickly fact checked. The best part was the tweet was slapped with a hall of fame community note about how turkeys actually do eat meat......would likely feast on humans if the birds could manage it. "Turkeys are not vegetarians. Turkeys eat mice, lizards, frogs, and just about anything they can fit in their mouth. If turkeys were larger or had the technological means to farm and eat humans, their current diet reveals they likely would," the hilarious note reads. If watching PETA get slapped around on social media doesn't make you laugh, then I really don't know what to tell you. The organization is so dumb that you have to wonder if it's not some of the greatest performance art in human history. Unfortunately, it's very real. However, that didn't stop people from roasting this unhinged post. OutKick readers and millions of other people ate tasty Turkey on Thanksgiving. Welcome to reality, PETA. I didn't even plan on doing any hunting this season, but I might have to just to spite this dumb post. Nothing upsets the joke organization more than humans enjoying properly cooked animal meat - just like God intended when he created the food chain. Let me know your thoughts on this insanity at