PETA Attacks Family Owned Restaurant With Anti-Father's Day Messages

PETA is at it again, only this time they're making it personal against dads everywhere on Father's Day.

For years, the unhinged animal rights group has become known for their wildly outlandish takes, such as wanting to change the name of the pitcher's "bullpen" because it's offensive to bulls, or appealing to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to ban the term "horse collar tackle" from football broadcasts.

However, in what can only be likened to desperate actions, PETA has started personalizing their attacks - going after family-owned restaurants that barely survived government-mandated Covid lockdowns. But if that wasn't enough, PETA has now targeted Baltimore's renowned "Jimmy's Famous Seafood" in what the restaurant believes is a dig at their late father. 


As a thank you to their customers, Jimmy's has been sending out Father's Day cards or t-shirts to those in the community that have been supporting their business throughout the years. This year they decided to make larger care packages as they gear up for their 50th Anniversary. Sports fans may be familiar with Jimmy's Famous Seafood - they are huge supporters of both the Ravens and the Orioles - giving players like former Titans running back Derrick Henry "Crabcakes for life" if he signed with the Ravens. Low and behold, Henry did - I guess the crabcakes are that good!

Jimmy's package included a "Cool, Crabby Dad" t-shirt, a "Thanks for being a Claw-some Dad" card as well as a photo and personalized message from current owner John Minadkis to his father Jimmy, who escaped the wars happening in Greece in the late 1960's and immigrated to America and worked his way up to opening the beloved store.

However, just days after posting their package on socials, PETA began mailing media outlets and some of the restaurant's customers their own care "Crab-friendly" PETA packages that appeared to be mocking it. PETA's boxes included a "Have a Clawsome Crab-Friendly Father's Day," card, as well as a "I'm Me, Not Meat" squishable crab toy. Both in similar font and wording to what Jimmy's had sent out. 


"We're accustomed to PETA and their poorly-executed publicity stunts taking aim at not only our small business but hundreds of others as well. But for them to mock a Father's Day tribute to my late father is tasteless, even by their already low standards," Minadkis told me. He said that he was alerted to PETA's ploy when media outlets and customers began informing him of the random packages they were receiving. 

This isn't the first time PETA has gone after small businesses, including Jimmy's. Last year we covered the story of PETA taking money out of their budget and putting up massive billboards around the restaurant location during Lent of all seasons - even mentioning Jesus and including the Holy Cross on it, which set off an uproar of criticism from religious groups in Baltimore at PETA.

Jimmy's Famous Seafood has been a staple in the Baltimore community since the family business opened in 1974 after the elder Jimmy immigrated to escape the Greece wars and worked his way up to owning the seafood place. After his passing from cancer in 2003, his 19-year-old son John took over the restaurant and has built it into one of the city's most popular seafood joints.

Ya gotta hand it to some of these activist groups. Whether it's PETA or climate change activists who shut down roads as families are trying to get to hospitals (because THAT's a good way to win them over!) they refuse to realize that their unhinged tactics are actually pushing people away from their causes. 

Keep it up, you're doing great, PETA!