Penny Lane Is Gearing Up For Valentine’s Day, Veronika Rajek Hits The Showers & Calipari Returns To Rupp Arena

Does anyone watch the NFL Pro Bowl Games?

I haven’t watched a single second of the Pro Bowl Games and I don’t plan on tuning in for the flag football mockery of the sport either. I can’t do it, it's become an absolute joke.

I refuse to tune in until they return to tackling.

Imagine telling Sean Taylor that instead of playing the game of football the way God intended, that he would instead be playing flag football.

Now, of course, the NFL isn’t going to bring back tackling in the Pro Bowl. Not until everyone ignores the event completely. If anything, they're going to turn the entire sport into flag football.

You have to make those suburban moms who are taking little Cody to soccer instead of football feel like the game is safe. Gross.

I say all of this to bring up that I painted my office this weekend.


The "home improvement" project did go as planned

The room that we've converted into my office hasn’t been painted since we moved in. It had until Friday been on the small list of areas with walls that didn’t know the feeling of a fresh coat of paint.

Now, I should point out that I've had several Clark Griswold putting up Christmas lights moments over the years with home improvement-type projects. I'm not what you would call handy.

My dad isn’t and neither was my grandfather. That said, I can paint. Things rarely take a turn like they did yesterday. There's the occasional drip on the baseboards, but nothing that gets out of hand. 

I was due for a disaster. I had painted my living room and kitchen not that long ago without an issue and had even replaced the garage door opener.

On Thursday night, I pushed everything into the center of the room in preparation for a Friday to Saturday painting session. Friday morning I taped everything up and got to work.

We had some leftover paint from the living room-kitchen project and I had estimated, it turns out incorrectly, that I could paint my entire office with it.

I taped and painted all the way from around 8am to 5pm. We were heading out to dinner on Friday night and I had run out of paint with another wall and a half to go.

My office and some other areas of the house are going to get new floors in the next few months, so I was playing fast and loose with the can of paint and tray. I had them on a sheet of plastic, but I wasn’t too concerned about a drop or two here and there hitting the carpet.

That was a mistake. After getting some paint in the morning, then running a few errands, I was back at work in the early afternoon. I finished up the smaller of the two walls and was moving things around to get in position to tackle the big wall and wrap the project up.

Things were tight, having pushed everything into the middle of the room, and as I was maneuvering the paint and the tray around the corner of my desk, it happened. The plastic as I was pulling it went up on one side and tipped the can of paint.

Again, had it not been for the fact that this carpet is going to be replaced in the next few months, I would have had plastic covering the floor. I didn’t and the almost full can of paint fell over, the lid wasn’t secure - I was due for a disaster after all - and at least half of its contents ended up on the carpet.

I ran out of the room, grabbed a few red solo cups from the kitchen, dropped several F-bombs along the way, gave my wife a quick rundown of what had just taken place, then got to work scooping cups full of paint off the carpet and back into the can.

My wife walked in, assessed the situation, and said, "It could be worse. It could have been on the new floors."

She then walked out and left me to it. By now she's used to those Clark Griswold moments. As I was scooping the paint up, I was thinking it could be worse? That's easy for her to say.

Technically, she is right. But now I have to show up to family events as the idiot who spilled a can of paint on the carpet.

Thankfully, the spill occurred in the corner behind my desk. But I couldn’t leave wet paint there, so I devised a plan to take care of the spot. It was either risk destroying a steam cleaner or use some of that carpet they stuck up in the attic when the house was built.

I went with the carpet, which up until that moment I had completely forgotten about. First I finished painting. I couldn’t put the desk back on top of wet paint, and who knows how long it would have taken to steam clean the corner.

I cut off a section of carpet from the attic, removed the paint-affected area, and replaced it. Is it perfect? Not a chance. Will it work in the corner behind my desk until we get our carpet removed? Absolutely.

It could have been worse…

Calipari returns to Rupp and beats Kentucky

While I did miss a ton of valuable sitting on the couch watching sports time on a Saturday due to my home improvement project, I did see the end of the Arkansas-Kentucky game.

Coach Calipari was back at Rupp Arena for the first time since leaving for Arkansas and all he did was beat the Wildcats 89-79. Don’t you worry, he's the same coach he's always been.

Going to Arkansas didn’t change him. This was all about him. Here's a taste after the 10-point win over the No. 12 ranked Wildcats.

Grandma went on a joyride. A 94-year-old woman was cited for going 106 mph.

What do you do when grandma decides to go on a joyride?

You hold on for dear life and hope for the best. That happened last week in Oregon when a 94-year-old Texas woman was clocked going 106 mph.

Elizabeth Perez of El Paso, Texas was given a citation, according to The Oregonian, for speeding, for failing to secure a child passenger, and for failing to yield to an emergency vehicle.

To top it all off, she didn’t have insurance. So she was also cited for that. This grandma is living by the seat of her pants. You kind of have to respect it.

Grill time 2025

- Tony A writes:


Well, the thermometer cracked 40 today, but as you can see, we still have some lingering snow on the ground.  After spending some time back in the kitchen for Thanksgiving and the Holidays, it's time to get grilling again (#nooffseason)!

I figured I kick the year off right with some smoky mesquite chicken breasts —also some steamed broccoli and mashed potatoes going on the stove.

Here's to getting 2025 started and the beginning of the Trump Era!!



Hey Tony, I'm glad to see that you’re back at it. This is a hell of a way to kick off the new year. Keep the grill going. We're going to have an awesome year.

Grilled healthy tonight

- Gen X Warren writes:

Hey SeanJo,

Grilled healthy tonight with a recipe from my wife’s sister: Chicken breast butterflied (for two), sliced sweet onion (Vidalia) and yellow/orange/red peppers. Seasoned with a lemon seasoning and marinated in Cocominos for 24 hours. Grilled the peppers and onions six minutes before adding the chicken, and kept grilling for another 8-10 minutes. Added a little BBQ sauce, but any sauce or none is fine.

- Gen X Warren M.


That's what I'm talking about Gen X Warren. You don’t need a thousand steps to get through in order to have a nice piece of meat off the grill.

Keep it simple. Throw some peppers and onions in there, and we're ready to go!

Pork Chops

- John from SD sends:

Sorry, forgot to take a picture of the grilled pork chops. Marinated in Italian dressing for eight hours and on the grill to preferred temperature, perfect.

Watched Gladiator 2 tonight, okay movie, no need for a third.

Thanks for the Sunday contribution.


Thanks for reaching out John. I'm glad to see the year round folks getting back after it on the grill. I haven’t seen Gladiator 2 and, if I'm being honest, I don’t know that I will.

A review - quick and to the point, as I prefer - like no need for a third, likely cemented that decision for me.


That's all for this week's Sunday Screencaps. I'll see you guys three Sundays from now.

Next Sunday Joe will be cooking something up for the Super Bowl. The week after that, I'm off and Joe will be keeping it a 7-day operation then as well.

In the meantime, send me your home improvement disasters and whatever you're tossing on the grill. We'll be back to regularly scheduled programming at the end of the month.

Happy Groundhog Day. Spoiler alert, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow. Which means absolutely nothing, but they say six more weeks of winter.

I'll see you in a few weeks. The inbox is always open

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.