Paulina Gretzky Riding A Horse In A Bikini Top, Charley Hull Hits The Gym & An Umpire Fights A Player

We made it

Welcome to Saturday's Screencaps.  This is the last of the ones that I'm performing my duties out of the bullpen on this week.  I think, for the most part, it was another solid performance.

Joe's back on Monday, and I'll be dropping my regularly scheduled Sunday Screencaps to round out my work week tomorrow.  It was another fun week getting to interact with the best community on the internet.

Thanks for all the support.  It makes the early morning starts, and the accidental tumblers of vinegar coffee, much easier to power through.

Cue the music, you know the song, a little End Of The Road by Boyz II Men.  Until the next time the bullpen phone rings.

The Olympic Opening Ceremony included whatever this is

There was no chance those in charge of putting together the Olympics were going to pass on an opportunity to include whatever this is in the Opening Ceremony.

How could they?

Everyone knows that bringing the world's top athletes together to compete for their country needs this type of performance art.  As bizarre and potentially off-putting as it is.

I'm sure people tuning in were hoping to see a weird blue guy and a bearded woman dancing around.  And nothing says Olympics to me like an obese woman surrounded by men dressed up as women.

She made a heart with her hands.  That's how you know you needed to watch it.  If that doesn't hit you in the feels, nothing will.

If you don't see how this fits in with the Olympic Opening Ceremony, then that's on you.  What a way to roll out the welcoming mat.

Finally, there's a blind Barbie!

What a perfect way to lead into this one.

Speaking of the welcoming mat, Mattel has finally come out with a blind Barbie.  The real question isn't why did they make a blind Barbie, but what took them so long to do so?

Finally, blind people can see themselves as a Barbie.

Wait a minute…

Group busted for crime spree after one of them shared pictures of the stolen cash

After such a heartwarming start, I felt the need to level things out.  You don't want to be too high or too low when you get to the scrolling.

So I grabbed a couple examples of people making really bad decisions.

First up is a group of alleged thieves who were busted because one of them couldn't help himself and posted pictures of the stolen cash on Instagram.

Who could blame him for posting that?  Isn't social media where you share and a lot of the time overshare about your life?

The four California men, Charles Christopher, D'Angelo Spencer, Jordan Leonard and Tazjar Rouse were all charged with various crimes related to the multiple robberies of mostly 7-Eleven stores.

Back in November, after the robbery of a 7-Eleven store in Los Angeles, Leonard reportedly posted a picture on Instagram with stacks of cash.  He then captioned it, while tagging two of the three others mentioned, "love my bros we go hit every time."

That's smart.  If you can't do that on Instagram and not have it used against you then what is Instagram for if you're not modeling?

The group is alleged to have made off with $7,617 - very specific.  They face many years behind bars if they're found guilty.

This is the wrong guy to climb up on the counter on

From one bad decision to another.  This guy thought jumping up on the counter at this unknown fast food restaurant was the best way for him to file a complaint with the employees.

He found out the hard way that you never want to get on top of or go behind a fast food counter.  This employee didn't hesitate in delivering some top-notch customer service.

The type that is so exhausting, you need to take a nap afterward.  So that's exactly what he did.  He got tossed off the counter before receiving an entire menu of combo meals.

I have no doubt in my mind that while he ended up unconscious on the floor behind the counter, whatever he was complaining about was well worth it.


- John from SD sends:

Who agrees with how bad NBC sports coverage is, across the board, Olympics, football and all?  I couldn’t watch more than a hour of their coverage of the opening of the Olympics. Overall NBC has been mediocre at best covering the Olympics and other sports events.


I haven’t seen much of the Olympics coverage.  Not yet anyway.  As far as football goes, I'm usually just happy that there's football on.  In my mind, having a game on my TV is a win.


That's all for today.  Enjoy your Saturday.  Hopefully, there are a few minutes carved out in your schedule for the patio at some point.

If you fire up the grill, send the pictures my way.  I've got too much going on this weekend, but I already told Mrs. SeanJo that we're doing wings on the grill next week.

I'll let you know how that goes next Sunday.  See you tomorrow. Have a great day and keep sending in anything and everything to

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.