Patrick Bet-David Predicts 'Star-Studded' 2028 Election Field; Mark Cuban, The Rock As Potential Candidates

The most consequential question in Washington over the past century is what led to Donald Trump's presidency. How did this vulgar outsider without any political experience win a general election in 2016?

Books have explored and will continue to explore that question. Whatever the answers are – there are many - the crux of Trump's ascension emanates from voters realizing they trust a political novice more than they do establishment Washington. 

Many Americans feel that way still, nearly eight years later. Trump is now the polling and betting favorite to win in November.

But what about 2028? Where will the anti-establishment movement turn to post-Trump? Did Trump open the floodgates for more celebrities to have a realistic chance to take the White House?

Entrepreneur and influencer Patrick Bet-David believes the answer is an emphatic yes. Bet-David joined Fox News' "Will Cain Show" (make sure to subscribe on YouTube) on Wednesday to answer those questions.

"The 2028 field is going to be star-studded," Bet-David predicts. "It's not going to be who knows the most about policies. It's going to be who is the most famous." 

He names billionaire Mark Cuban, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, and JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon as outsiders who could run and win the election in four years:

The names Bet-David references are more likely to run as Democrat than Republican. So, their messaging would have to be different from Trump's. Cuban has already positioned himself as a lead advocate of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).

And perhaps running against establishment Washington wouldn't be as appealing to Democrat voters. Then again, per Gallup polling, the right and left agree on one topic more than any other: they don't trust politicians.

Cuban, Johnson, and Dimon are all skilled communicators and have the financial resources to kick-start a successful campaign – just like Trump. Oprah Winfrey would also fit that category.

As for more traditional candidates, 2028 could see several frequently-in-the-news politicians run for the White House – namely California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

Despite the waning conditions of the states they run, Newsom and Whitmer are wildly popular with Democrats. 

Illinois Gov. J. B. Pritzker is also a name to watch. The billion governor is solely funding the abortion rights group Think Big America, casting himself as a male face for the pro-choice movement. 

President Rock is starting to sound like the best option, isn't it?  

Vivek Ramaswamy, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, and Nikki Haley are potential GOP candidates who may run again in 2028.

Ramaswamy vs. Cuban on a debate stage would be a hoot – granted Ramaswamy would wipe the floor with Cuban.