Pat McAfee Puts His Beer-Chugging Skills On Display Against Instagram Legend

Pat McAfee had quite the experience earlier this week when he was introduced to beer-drinking legend Ronny Doitche.

Doitche is a professional beer chugger, something that McAfee absolutely loved as his eyes opened up and he could hardly contain his excitement.


"Do you go to school here?" McAfee asked Doitche who informed him that it was actually the complete opposite. "No, I'm from New Hampshire, I'm 35 years old," as McAfee broke down laughing. "I go to tailgates and I challenge people to chug beer… you were on my bucket list," the Instagram drinker continued.

"Brother, I love that you are 35, and you are heading to a frat party today," McAfee continued before things REALLY went off the rails when Ronnie informed him that he was bringing an inflatable pool and KY jelly to the party later as well. Pretty much Ronnie Doitche's life is Will Ferrell from Old School, something that McAfee seemed like he was like during his college partying days as well. "Allegedly," - look it up everybody. LOL.

When the big moment came for the chug race, both Ronny and McAfee toasted each other before Ronny DEMOLISHED the beer in less than a second. Literally, less than a second. For his part, McAfee wasn't too far behind, but was absolutely amazed.

"That was a hell of a chug, McAfee said before saying that Ronny was "F'n awesome," and was jealous that beer chugging was his profession. As Pat started walking away he told other people about Ronny and screamed "that guy's an entrepreneur."

Getting paid to drink beers and party? Oh, where did the rest of us go wrong. 

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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.