Parents Call For LEGO Boycott After Company Unleashes Absurd Pride Collection

Another day, another popular brand pushing an agenda on America's youth. When they say, ‘Stop being dramatic, they’re not coming after your kids,' make sure to show them this … from LEGO!

That's right – Lego. You know, the little blocks your kids love but you hate because you step on them all the time and nearly cripple yourself for life? Yep, they've predictably bent the knee and decided to do something that not one person in this country asked for: push a Pride collection. 

Because, you know, if there's one thing the kiddos across the US of A want, it's for their Legos to be inclusive.

Angry parents are done with LEGO

I mean, we're just so unbelievably predictable as a society. It's too easy at this point. Last year, it was Bud Light, followed by Target. 

Now? Lego. Lego!!! Just … why? I don't get it. Well, I do get it. God forbid companies in 2024 don't have some sort of Pride collection, right? It's pretty much in the HR handbook at this point. 

Look, I said it last year with the Target crap, and I'll say it again here – if you wanna celebrate something, whatever it may be, knock yourself out. I don't care. It's your company. Your rules. 

But the second it starts affecting my kid, or your kid, or any kids – it's gotta stop. That's too far. 

Target selling tuck bathing suits? Nope. Not gonna work. That's why their stock took a $9 billion nosedive last summer. It wasn't because of the economy (thanks Joe!) or anything else the mainstream media wants you to believe. It was because they sold Pride merchandise in the kids' section, and it – rightfully so – pissed off the suburban moms. Duh. 

Don't mess with the kids. Don't push political agendas on the kids. Leave the kids out of it. I feel like, at this point, we can tolerate everything else. Lord knows we have. But when you start taking aim at the kids, you're gonna lose some folks. 

And, right on cue …

I could go on and on, but you get the point. 

Anyway, just another day in America in 2024. And I say America because … well, this comment under the official Instagram post was funny:

Why doesn't @legomiddleeast have this too?

Hm. Wonder why!?

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.