Pro-Palestinian Activist Threatens To Blow Combat Vet's Head Off: VIDEO

A Marine veteran faced an unhinged death threat from a pro-Palestinian activist Thursday.

Leigh Wolf, who served two tours in Afghanistan during his time in the Marines, was riding the metro in Washington, D.C. when the crazy activist went ballistic over his Captain America shirt.

"This ‘pro-Palestinian’ activists just threatened to ‘blow off’ my head as he sat next to me on a @wmata DC metro train. What did I do? I was wearing a Captain America shirt. That’s it. I never said a word to him or even looked at him. (Metro cameras will confirm this should it become necessary)," Wolf tweeted Thursday morning shortly after the incident.

I spoke with Wolf - who recorded the unhinged threats - and said it was just as bad before he fired up his phone. He explained, "He was so loud at first it startled me through noise-canceling headphones."

The Marine veteran told me he was called a racist and Nazi over the shirt. What was captured on video was incredibly troubling as the man vowed to blow Leigh's head off and much more.

You can listen to the very disturbing threats in the video below, and let me know your thoughts at

Marine combat veteran faces death threat from pro-Palestinian activist.

For anyone who thinks this wasn't a serious situation from a person who appears to be very crazy, Leigh told me he was "locked in" the entire exchange believing the activist might try to do something insane.

Fortunately, the crazy person left the train, but not before Leigh snapped a photo and made it clear the police will be getting involved. He also very much liked his odds if the situation had gone hot.

"Police report will be filed and I will be pressing charges if they find him. The funniest part is that as he walked off the train it became clear he’s about 5’5'-5’6'. If he had put his hands on me, his tiny frame would not have lasted long against a 6’3' 210lbs Marine," Leigh explained in his viral tweet.

This situation is also another unfortunate reminder of how insane some of the pro-Palestinian/anti-America people can be. Leigh served our country with two deployments to a war zone. He chose to wear a Captain America shirt, and his reward was a person threatening to blow his head off. This kind of threatening behavior can't be tolerated in a civilized society. Hopefully, the police can find this man and bring him to justice before he carries out the threats he had no problem making to Leigh. Let me know your thoughts on this situation at

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.