Paige Spiranac Hits A Ridiculous Flop Shot For The Fans, Stanley Tumbler Cup Sales Figures Are Nuts & Taco Bell Crunchwrap Kits Are Out
My electrician is suggesting a bathroom fan that has very few sones and I think that might be bad advice, but I wanted to ask you guys before I buy the retrofit fan
We're having our half-bath ripped out starting next week and the electrician stopped by Thursday to go over the project and he started talking sones. I'd heard the word before and understood he was talking about noise from the fan, but I don't know the ideal sones level for a half-bath that sits in our first-floor hallway.
The electrician starts saying how we would want to make sure the fan isn't making a bunch of noise and at that exact moment my head started spinning.
Hold up, I don't want the fan to be noisy?
I held a board meeting with Mrs. Screencaps last night on the topic and she understood where I was coming from.
Shouldn't the fan be able to out-sones, obscure someone letting one loose in that half-bath? I don't want visitors in there nervously flushing 10 times to mask the sound of letting one rip.
I'll be hosting a Masters Weekend Guys' Gathering in April. I don't want these guys rattling the entire house after working through 3 or 4 pimento sandwiches. I NEED SONES to mask these savages.
But I don't know what level of SONES I need. I don't want to go so loud with the SONES that Screencaps the III is shaken awake at 6 a.m. when I turn on that fan before a long day at my OutKick Senior Editor of Content Development job.
Guys, I need your help.
What's the perfect level of SONES for what I'm describing? I want people comfortable enough to rip a fart, if needed. Which retrofit fan/light combo am I buying?
Destination wedding: 'Am I wrong for not wanting to go?'
• Anonymous writes:
Need the community's thoughts on destination weddings. My wife's nephew is getting married in Mexico next year. Wife wants the whole family of five to go.
I have zero interest in spending all that money for the wedding and am currently refusing to go. So it'll be her and an undetermined amount of our children going. Am I wrong for not wanting to go? Is she crazy for being mad that I don't want to go?
I would be interested to see what everyone thinks.
Email: or leave a comment on the Screencaps Facebook Group page
Update from Drew L. in Virginia who came to us this week needing advice on a job search
• Drone operator & former USAF Drew L. writes:
Just a quick thank you note to you...and your readers (especially Chris in NE), for the advice on the job search.
I checked the CATHEXIS website and found a remote strategic comms job that is a perfect fit for my experience. I applied to it and connected with the CEO and HR director on Linkedin (HR director is a fellow GMU alum, majored in communications and PR - my specialty).
We'll see what happens (also applying to dozens of other jobs, but this one is a particularly good fit - so I appreciate the advice). But either way, just wanted to say thank you.
New drinking data is out from Pew and it echoes what I've been writing about re: Gen Zers
Beer, sex, and marriage are in big trouble. Gen Z is too busy mashing video game controllers and living in the Metaverse to suck down cold ones at Buffalo Wild Wings, but I have to say, that place was PACKED last night. The kids wanted Buffalo Wild Wings, so we stopped on the way to Dick's and you'd think BWW was showing a big UFC PPV.
PACKED and a wait for a table at 6:00.
Thanks to Mike T. in Idaho for sending along this intel. I received a follow-up message that he and Cindy T. have landed in Madrid, Spain. New adventures incoming from the Ts.

The Ts are already drinking in Madrid!

Multiple topics including one of my very first OutKick Content Development initiatives is working
• Brett from Winchester, VA writes:
Joe, a variety of topics tonight.
First, congrats on your new title! I miss Clay’s writing, but I appreciate you and Amber (love Amber!) and Hookstead (love David!) and SeanJo and all of the other heroes at Outkick taking over the program and continuing the tradition of excellence at Outkick!
My middle son informed me tonight – as I was explaining that you said the Meta Golf thing is awesome – that he has that game. Nice to know, I reckon. He says we need a club attachment to make it feel more “real.”
I further reckon he has not had a night with Rachel Stuhlmann to truly differentiate real from not real (no, I would not turn her down, I just happen to be married to someone who has had 5 kids and her boobs are awesome….and Outkick was founded in part on boobs, after all).
I know you’ve posted about that game multiple times; what club to we need, and what will said club cost? If I’m going to use it, I don’t want to dick around, but I also don’t want to sell my vehicle to acquire it. Thanks, Joe!
Speaking of video games, I happened to have a few cold drinks one night (Troegs Perpetual, excellent IPA, though Miller Lite is the standard around here) and thought I needed an original Nintendo. I slept on it and decided not to get….but for anyone out there who misses RBI Baseball and Double Dribble and Mike Tyson’s Punchout and Pro Wrestling….I think it’s $115 at GameStop (my son looked it up), with an extra $35 for Punchout. I thought of buying it because when I was sick, I had squat to watch during the day, and my oldest son told me he killed his 3-day flu by playing video games. Still may get it!
I’m late in emailing, but Mike and Cindy T have to be the Most Valuable Readers for 2023 with all of their travels. That said, the Most Valuable Emailer is our Screencaps Sherriff. His email about those raccoon sumbitches made me laugh like no other. The passion reminded me of my coaching days.
Chuck Norris was a stud choice for January. I hope all of your readers remember he was the deciding vote that kept Peter LaFleaur and Average Joe’s Gym in the Dodge Ball Tournament put on by the American Dodge Ball Association of America.
Silvia Funes. Nuff said. My number 1 number 1 remains Tiffani Thiessen (other than said wife who is beautiful and had 5 kids and still has awesome boobs; I think we discussed that previously?).
I absolutely love the interaction with the Outkick writers. You started that, and I’ve since heard back from Hookstead and from Amber. Very unique to Outkick, and I appreciate it.
I’d love to know the mean or median age of your readers; can you post a poll at some point? I’m 52 and your column hits me right between the eyes in a good way (looking at you, Kevin Harlan)?
I wonder how many young folks prefer reading columns vs. video these days.
Lastly, the best thing about the email I just typed out is that I remembered all of the stuff that I took away from your daily column, including the MVRs and MVE. Well, and Silvia Funes. Thanks for all that you do, and thanks to all of the readers out there who take time to share with this truly fantastic community your stories! Keep us rollin’!
Now that's an email!
Screencaps Facebook Group Page Is Going Private
This week, I received a message from a trusted Screencaps advisor who suggested taking the Screencaps Facebook Group -- GO FOLLOW THE PAGE -- private to lessen the amount of content family members were seeing because Zuck's algorithm notoriously funnels what you're doing on Facebook into the stream of your family members.
At this point in my life, I just assume everyone I meet in life knows about my Internet life for the last 16 years -- and there's quite a history out there -- but there are Screencaps readers who don't want their aunts, daughters, lib uncles, lib brothers and lib sisters constantly sweating every single thing they're doing on Facebook.
I agree. I want Screencaps readers living loose and free.
Starting Jan. 7 (the change is permanent and they give you three days to make sure you're making the right decision), the Facebook page will be PRIVATE. Your lib family members and the algorithm can take a hike.
Screencaps readers attempt to get Keith in Colorado fit!
Keith asked for suggestions on workout plans, possibly virtually, where he wouldn't be working out into a mirror via some app or using a Peloton instructor yelling at him.
• Greg E. writes:
I've got a few options for Keith's new workout plan that are fairly straightforward but may be less than what he's looking for:
First is the StrongLifts app--it's a free app for people that are into the "5 sets of 5 reps" program for building strength rather than getting shredded. You tell it how much you can lift and it'll keep track of what you should do each day. There's a paid option that'll add some additional features, but the free version works just fine.
If he's looking for subscription plans I'd point him toward, which is designed for minimal (or no) equipment but uses more lifts than the simple 5x5 app.
• Todd Z. IS BACK and wants to help:
Keith was asking for workout advice. This site is run by an ex-Navy Seal and could provide him all he needs, especially if he joins the private track. However, he can easily do the workout of the day, too.
Brutally Elegant Strength & Conditioning
• Rob in NJ wants to help Keith get shredded:
Regarding Keith in Colorado’s inquiry on a daily workout app, and personal trainers without the personal trainers…I would recommend the Blink Fitness app. May need to be a member (their rates are pretty cheap, it’s your standard low-cost gym chain), but their app offers a bunch of different varied workouts each day, which are all certainly no slouch. All sorts of challenge levels and workout times are available, and I’ve found it to be pretty useful since I discovered it last spring.
While I generally follow the same lifting routine each week, I also like to randomly mix in a workout just to add a little variety. The Blink Fitness app has definitely been a great resource along the way.

New Zealand woodpiles
• Owen B. is back from his family vacation to New Zealand and he knew legendary Screencaps content when it smacked him in the face -- woodpiles! Owen B. writes:
Back from NZ and knew I owed you a woodpile pic after my last correspondence. You might have to zoom in on the impressive stash in Dunedin (caught it on the way to airport). I’ve also included a sunrise pic from Nugget Point Lighthouse and sunset from Kaka Point. My oldest daughter is studying in New Zealand and Australia via Georgia Tech this semester so we decided to journey down there with her. Highly recommend NZ - friendly folks, good food and bev, and beautiful scenery. Would be happy to connect with any Screencappers heading down there and share our itinerary.
Also - been reading about Junior B and Matt B from Dunwoody, GA. I’m in Dunwoody as well and know the B family. Great folks living in a burgeoning, family friendly, Screencapper community just outside the Perimeter in ATL.
As always - thanks for everything you do - a must-read for me every morning. Have a good weekend.

I might offer my kids $100 to the first one to memorize these lines and use them after our family Monopoly games
North Dakota grocery-getter
• Our friend Dillon in Crosby, North Dakota checks in:
Hey Joe, saw this yesterday while leaving our grocery store and thought you and the caps community might get a kick out of the front-row parking of the small-town grocery-getter.

That's it. We're ready to roll. There are a few topics above that should have the emails flooding in.
Now let's go have a great weekend. It feels like a HUGE home improvement weekend. I want to hear about the projects you have going or are about to start. Help others by telling us about new products you're using. Tell us about the SONES you chose for the half-bath. Be a Screencaps resource!
Go give 100%.
I'll be on the Dan Dakich show at 10:30. Watch right here on OutKick.