It's that time of year again. The weather is starting to warm up, outdoor activities are back, and golf is really going to start picking up around the country. In other words, this is when Paige Spiranac really gets to work. She fired off a spring bikini shot in time for Leap Day, but that had nothing on what she had planned for Sunday morning. We've been trying to warn you for a long time now here at the OutKick Culture Department to watch closely how the world's No. 1 golf influencer operates. This is like watching Michael Jordan in his prime. He didn't have to come back and win three more rings for everyone to know how good he was at basketball and his impact on the game. He did it because he's an all-time competitor and because he wanted to. That's what we're witnessing here. Paige has already had an enormous impact on the game of golf and the world of influencing. She could walk away with a solid legacy intact, just as MJ could have. But there's something that tells her that her work isn't finished. She has more to give as a golf influencer and this "Trying to be well rounded" video she shared on multiple social media platforms on Sunday is the perfect example of that. There Isn't Anything Paige Spiranac Can't Do On A Golf Course Paige hit the golf course to show off her two sides. The side of her that is a teacher. Someone with a lot left to give through her golf swing. The video then transitions to her standing on the course in a string bikini. This is the other side, her modeling side. Both sides are examples that she's still on top of her game. Like I said, this is Michael Jordan in his prime level of content. There are those who study her film, copy her moves, and do a Kobe Bryant type of job at what she does. But nobody does influencer content better. Paige left no doubts about that today. Simply hitting the course in a bikini is lazy. Her millions of followers have seen that move before. So she did what all the greats have done. She added a wrinkle to an old move. That's how a savvy veteran operates. If we've learned anything from her career, it's that there's plenty more to come. Stay tuned, spring hasn't even arrived yet.